Chapter 12 - Missing

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Missing time - 24 hours

Name - Kyle Bowman


"Where the fuck is my brother Logan" Jules asks, slamming Logan against the wall.

"I-I don't know okay. He ran off before I could grab him."

"Well what the fuck did you do to where my brother runs off!"

"I- I didn't mean to. It was an accident I swear to god."

"I don't CARE if it was an accident. Kyle is out there in one of the sketches neighborhoods."

"I know and I'll help find him I-"


"Jules, just calm down, please. You can't think when you are like this." Liam says, placing a comforting hand on Jules's shoulder.

"Just- I know you care Logan but saying that over and over doesn't justify that HE. IS. STILL. MISSING!"

"We'll find him. Trust. He couldn't have gone far."

"ThIs Is A pLaN fRoM tHe LoRd" Logan mocks their mom.

"Okay that's funny and definitely something she would say." Liam says, slapping his brother upside the head.

"That's true, let's go find him, where do you think he might be?"




"Hello?" Jules asks, picking up the phone.

"Hello is this the sister of Kaitlyn Bowman."

Jules shutters a little, "Yes this is she and his name is Kyle."

"Oh sorry ma'am. We have your... brother?"

"Yes that's my brother. Who are you?"

"Oh! My bad! I'm officer Richards from the NY police department. Kyle was found wandering around and was dropped off here. You were on his emergency contact and when we asked who you were to him, he said sister and was living with you. That is correct right?"

Shit. "Yes officer that is."

"Okay, if you don't come get him right away we are calling his parents since he should be living with them."

Shit, shit, shit. "We are on our way officer."


"KYLE!" Jules yells, running into the police department.

"Jules. Hi." Kyle answers calmly, hugging his brother. *Just an fyi, Kyle uses both brother and sister for Jules and Jules is fine with it.*

"God you had me worried sick."

"Are you the sister?" An officer asks

"Yes. Here" Jules answers, pulling out their id.

"Alright, you all may go. If this happens again we're calling his parents next time."

"Yes officer." Jules finishes the conversation, walking out.

"I'm sorry I ran, but didn't think I would run that far. I was surprised someone found me."

"Never do that to me again, yo-"

"I have another video idea." Logan interrupts, "You know the place I took Shelby?"

"Yeah? What, you're gonna kill us in the forest?" Liam asks, looking dead serious.

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