New Years Special!

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"Where are you going now? We have to leave to go to the club soon." Jules asks, turning around to see Kyle trying to sneak away.

"Nowhere. I just thought since we aren't doing a lot you wouldn't care." Kyle answers, putting his stuff down.

"Cool. Get dressed, you're coming with us."

"Why? They won't let me in."

"They will if you're with us."

"I don't like you right now. I just want a night to myself."

"And I can't deal with a drunk Liam and Logan alone. Lets go."

"Why not just say they can't drink?"

"I did, once. They ended up getting high."

"Damn. I thought they were more responsible."

"Have you met them?"

"Yeah, they seem okay."

"Do these to dumbasses look responsible to you?" Jules asks, turning Kyle around. Liam and Logan are dressed in their clubbing outfits, making snow angels. Logan is complaining that it's cold but is still making snow angels. While Liam is acting like a puppy that lost its favorite toy and is desperately trying to find it.

"Hey idiots. Lets go. It's almost 10. The club opened 45 minutes ago and if we don't go now they'll start checking ids."


POV ~ Kyle

"I'm getting drinks, bye!" Logan yells, running off towards the bar.

"Alright, have some fun." Liam says, blowing a kiss to Jules and Kyle then disapearing into the crowd.

"Go and do whatever. Just... let loose a little. Okay?"


When you're left alone in a club, it's not that fun. Kyle was standing by the bar, looking at the scene in front of him.

"KYLE BABE!" Logan yells, stumbling to get to Kyle.

"Hey Logan, having fun?"

"Hell yeah. This is just what I needed. Bye. I'm going to keep drinking.

Yeah... bye."


"Hey lovely." A random drunk said, getting up close to Kyle, "What's your name?"

"Kyle. You?" Kyle asks, moving a few inches away from the man.

"Dylan, and my friend over there is also named Kyle. Funny huh?"

"Yeah. Funny."

"Want a drink. You look tense sweetheart."

"No I'm good. Thanks." Kyle says, walking away.

"OMG Kyle! There you are!" Liam yells, pulling him over to where they are sitting.

"How is it?" Jules asks, turning their attention over to Kyle.

"Not my favorite place to be but it's not bad."



"Get up. Come on." Jules yells, pulling Logan up.



Logan moves closer to Kyle. While Liam squeezes through. Kyle looks up at Logan wondering why he's so close.



"Happy New Year!" Everyone yells. Logan grabs Kyle by the waste and pulls him in for a kiss. Kyle, not sure what to do, kisses back. He knows Logan won't remember it. He knows it's wrong but here he is. Kissing Logan. Kissing his crush back from before he even came out. Ruining any possible chance he had with him. But here he is, kissing him on New Years.

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