Chapter 19 - Remembering the Past

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"I don't understand," Amanda starts, "How could anyone in their right mind do something like that?"

"I'm not sure," Jules answers, shaking their head, "But what I can tell you is now I have a seven foot shadow figure looming over me everywhere I go. It was creepy at first but I got used to it very quickly."

"I wasn't going to say anything because I felt rude assuming that you knew it was there."

"'He' not 'it' and that makes sense. Most mediums just assume whenever I tell the story that I knew I had a seven foot tall man standing over me." Shrugging, Jules looks around to finally fulling take in their surroundings.

It was a very nice place for being in the center of LA but they didn't care. Both Liam and Jules had time to kill before they had to do anything and when Sam invited them out it felt rude to not say yes. After everything that Sam and Colby have heard while being anywhere near the duo, it's surprising that they even want to hang out anymore.

Jules felt even more guilty talking about everything while they were sure this was the last thing anyone wanted to talk about, but everytime they even got close to changing the subject it was always somehow brought back to the ghost possession past that Jules desperately didn't want to talk about. 

"I thought that you said most ghosts are afraid of Emma." Colby says, looking at Jules for conformation.

"Yes most ghosts are, but this man isn't exactly a ghost. He's a shadow figure. You guys have more than dealt with them in the past." Jules answers, still wondering why they are in this topic.

"That's true, we have. But they normally don't like us, or just stay far away." Sam says.

"He doesn't really like talking to me. I think he said about one word in the few years he has been with me."

"Do you think it's cause of Emma?"


Ignoring him, Jules answers, "Yeah, I think so. He's not scared of Emma, but doesn't like talking when a child is around."

"Which is really rude in my opinion." Emma answers, sitting on the ground inbetween Sam and Katrina.

"When did you start noticing him? Was it the same time you noticed Emma?" Amanda asks.

"No. A week after the incident I noticed a shadow figure everywhere I went. At first I thought it was my imagination but then my family went to church and the priest there went insane."


"Yep. Said I had the spawn of the devil following me around and I was never aloud back." Jules shrugs, "Made a good excuse for me to never have to go to church again."

"That's messed up though? What did your family say?"

"A lot. Don't really want to get into it."

"Makes since. Sure it made your childhood interesting." Nate adds.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. It made my family hate me though. When you live in a somewhat small town, news travels fast. Soon everyone in a five mile radius found out about what happened."



"Bye!" Jules yells, waving goodbye to Nate, Seth, and Amanda.

"Hope we can do this again sometime." Seth adds, walking to his car.

"Now what?" Colby asks, looking at the others.

"You could tell us what happened in the basement the first time you went to the Sallie house." Sam suggested.

"Do you really wanna know? After all the demon talk we had today?" Jules asks, looking for conformation.

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