Sequel - "To Whom Have Died"

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Hello everyone! 

Guess what, I did it! I finished the book before 2024 and I'm actually really proud of myself. When I first started writing this book, I had a completely different ending for it and it wasn't a very happy one. This book was also not meant to be a sequel but I realized that I loved this book so much (even some of the cringy parts) that I wanted to a. keep writing more and b. write a sequel that will be a lot better writing wise than this book. 

Thank you to everyone that has read this book and I will publish/start writing the second one starting at the beginning of 2024. Thank you all for being patient with me when it comes to writing this because I can understand the frustration of a writer not updating after a while. 

Again, thank you to everyone who has stayed with this book. Now that I know how to write way better than when I started this book, although I'm still not good at it, I think this second one is going to be better. Not just writing wise, but also plot wise and character wise. 

Although this book took a surprising turn than what I imagined it to be, I'm glad that I got to do this fun little stupid idea and actually finish it instead of leaving it as an unfinished book, like I always do;

I hope you have all enjoyed reading this book as much as I had writing it. 

I also hope you all come back for the sequel even though this book doesn't really need one and is perfectly fine all on its own. If you don't end up wanting to read the second one, I completely understand. 

Thank you everyone and I hope you have a happy new year :)

- Leif 

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