Chapter 32 - For The Dead

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Five Months Later...

"Good morning sleepy head." Liam says, turning to look at Jules.

"Good morning. Where are the other two?" Jules answers, sitting across from Liam.

"House hunting. Their idea, not mine."

"Alright then. Good to know that their more on it then you."

"Hey, I'm not the only one not doing something productive."

"That's because I just woke up. Now that the curse is finally gone, I feel like I can breathe again."

"How did you get rid of it? I thought that since your soul is gone it wouldn't be able to go away."

Turning away from the fridge, Jules stands up to look at Liam. Neither of them fully know how the curse left Jules' body, but when they went to see Edith, the witch said that they don't have the curse anymore. Even though they wanted to ask a million questions, Edith had no clue how they got cured.

"Honestly, same. That's why I was so surprised when Edith said I was cured." Jules states, sitting back down in their original seat.

"We're back!" Kyle yells, walking into their apartment.

"We found a place that we think would be good for us." Logan adds, walking in right behind him.

"Fun, when can we check it out?" Jules asks, signaling them to come sit.

"In a couple of hours. They have to get the house ready. They also had other clients before me and Kyle went in." Logan answers, grabbing something to drink.

"What are we gonna do for a couple of hours then?" Liam asks, looking around.

"I have an idea." Jules answers, getting up and running to their room.


"Hey guys! Welcome back to another video!" Jules yells into the camera, "Today, we are here shooting our last video of 2023!"

"For this video everyone, we are exploring the place that started it all... Kings Park Psychiatric Center. Our first exploring video that we uploaded four years ago was here." Liam adds, gesturing his hands around.

Smiling to themselves, Jules closes their laptop once the video is uploaded to youtube.

"Are you ready to see the house?" Liam asks, poking his head through the doorway.

"Yeah, lets go. I can't wait to see the house." Jules declares, walking out with Liam.

"I think you guys are gonna love this place." Logan states, looking back at the pair.

"Let's hope so. We all know how technical Liam can get." Jules jokes.

"When you're living in New York, you don't take anything to chance." Liam defends, walking ahead to Logan.

"I'm joking. I'm joking." Jules laughs, catching up to everyone.

"Hi, you must be Logan, Kyle, Jules, and Liam. We're the old home owners Echo and Joey. Nice to meet you guys." Echo introduces her and her husband, leaving Jules and Liam to give each other weird looks.

"Nice to meet you guys too. What a loving house you have." Logan says, following them inside.

"Yes it is. It's a two story, four bedroom, and four and a half baths. The master bedroom has its own bathroom built in and two bedrooms have a walk in closet. Even though the other two don't, the closets are still pretty large. Everything is all up to date and a finished basement. It even has a pool and a huge backyard."

"What are you listing it as?" Jules asks, looking around the open dinning room/living room area.

"Around 600K but we are willing to negotiate." Joey answers, eyeing the group, "we've only gotten one offer, which they offered 620K for it."

"I really want this house." Kyle whispers to Jules after a couple minutes of silence.

Giving Liam a knowing look, Jules answers, "How about 650K?"

"Deal. We'll contact you in a couple of days to get all of the paper work filled out. You have a good rest of your day y'all!" Echo states, waving goodbye to the group.

"Thank you ma'am. We'll talk to you soon." Jules answers, waving goodbye as well.

As Jules, Liam, Logan, and Kyle are walking back to their apartment, no one decides to say anything. They can all sense the calm presence that is not Emma. None of them have anything to say, everything's falling into place. They finally have almost everything they could have wanted. 

Once they get back to the apartment, Jules and Liam go into their room while Kyle and Logan sit in the living room. Once alone, Jules finally speaks up, "Can you believe it?" 

"No. I really can't." 

Sitting on his bed, Liam looks up at Jules. Staring at him back, Jules gives him the same stare they gave when they first met. Although this time, it gives him a different feeling. Means something different than the scared person he had met eight years ago. 

"I'm glad we can finally move out of this shit hole." Jules states, breaking the silence.

"I'm gonna miss it though. We had fun with the little that we had." Liam answers, still looking at Jules.

Getting up, Jules goes to sit next to Liam. Wrapping him into a hug Jules tells him thank you. Confused, Liam asks what they mean by that. Pulling away, Jules looks him in the eyes and says, "You are one of the main reasons I was able to get through everything. I barely had anything when you found me, and I am forever thankful."


"You saved me, you know? We both learned something from each other." 

"Yeah, I know. It's funny actually. I feel like we both learned how to love again after meeting each other, and Logan and Kyle becoming closer. It's nice. We're like one big happy family."

"Yeah, I love that. It's honestly sad it took basically all of us this long to trust again."

"After everything that happened, of course it's gonna take awhile." Jules chuckles, getting up and walking out of the room. 


Three weeks later 

"Home sweet home." Logan says, hoping out of the car. 

"Can you believe it?" Jules asks, looking at Liam.

"I wish I could say I do." Liam answers, staring back.

As Logan and Kyle load everything into the new house, Jules and Liam talk to the old home owners to make sure that everything is set. Once they figure out that everything is all well Jules grabs their things and goes to their room. 

Once everyone is settled in, the crew are all downstairs putting things away in the kitchen and decorating the dining room area. While Logan and Kyle are redecorating their Christmas tree, Liam and Jules are sitting on the island drinking hot coco. 

"Look at those idiots." Liam jokes.

"I know, putting up a stupid tree." Jules jokes back, chuckling a little.

"How dare they have fun."

"The audacity." 

Going back and fourth for a little bit, Liam is the one to finally not have a comeback. 

"Cheers for a new life!" Liam cheers, holding his mug up. 

"To a new life!" Jules yells back, chuckling while hitting their mug against Liam's. 

~ End of Book ~ 

Word Count ~ 1145

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