Chapter 17 - Liars Always Die First

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"Liam!" Logan yells, waking Liam up from their nap.

"What do you want?" Liam snaps.

"We're at the hotel, get up."

Liam scoffs, stepping out of the car, "Fuck off. I'm so done with you."

"I have never done anything to you! You don't think I don't know that you have been lying to me since we got here!?"

"It's for your own good. People never like the truth, it's easier to lie."

"What are you talking about. You can't just say something like that. Lying will get you in trouble one day."

"Yeah I guess liars always die first."


"What? How do you know about that?" Logan ask. Dropping his things on their hotel room floor.

"What does that mean?" Kyle asks.

"None of your business Kyle," Logan snaps, "You have no reason to say that. You have always lied to me."

"If you want to talk about liars, then talk to Jules! If you hate where you are right now then blame it on Jules! You could have easily survive without me!"

"What are you talking about? I love where I am at right now. Why would I blame it on Jules?!"

"Because they're the one that convinced me to take you with us!" Liam yells, fully done with this conversation. 



"Logan I-"

"What?" Logan asks, wide eyed, "What do you mean?"

"This isn't a conversation we should have without Jules. Once we're done with the video we'll leave first thing tomorrow and talk with Jules."

"But... Jules has a video to shoot?"

"No. They don't. It was a cover up. They don't even want to go but I convinced them to do it."

"Is that why Jules was here today?" Kyle asks, butting in.

"Yes and you are not allowed in the conversation because it doesn't concern you," Liam snaps at Kyle, "Jules came to see Edith. That is all I can tell you right now. Let's just do this video and I can tell them that they don't have to shoot the video if they don't want to."

Being done with this whole conversation, Liam walks out of the hotel room to call Jules and tell them what had happened. "Jules?"

"Yeah?" Jules asks, sounding tired.

"They know."

Liam hears some shuffling on the other line then a small 'fuck' from Jules, "What do you mean 'they know?'"

"Logan and Kyle. They know some of the stuff. They don't know about the flower or curse or anything but I accidentally told Logan I didn't want to take him with us."

"God dammit Liam. What is wrong with you? We both agreed to never talk about that again." Pause, "Whatever. I'm canceling my plans and going home. Shoot your video and get home as soon as you can. Thanks to you, we might as well tell some truths to Logan."


A/N ~ I'm not going to put in the Alcatraz video that they shot because I really don't have the motivation to write it so I'm sorry for that *Time skip to well the four are back home, Liam and Jules are talking to Logan while Kyle is out shopping :) Also this is all fake. There are only bad Doppelgängers. Or, if you don't believe in this stuff then there is no such thing. Take your pick >:D*

"What the fuck were to talking about two days ago?" Logan asks, staring at Liam.

"There is a lot of stuff that you AND Kyle don't know about for your own safety and sanity. We'll tell you the main things that you need to know but you can't tell Kyle. Deal?" Jules asks, sitting down next to Liam.


"Alright. Well, a lot has happen in a few years and we weren't going to take you with us but I couldn't handle leaving another person that I cared about so I convinced Liam that it would be best to take you with us. I'm sure you already know this but your parents aren't good people, and what I mean by that is they wanted to do some horrible shit to Liam that we aren't going to get into right now.

"We both have known about doppelgängers for a long time, you and Kyle just recently found out about them; The real reason why I knew to runaway when you saw the other Jules staring at you is because I saw one with my mother two weeks before she would give birth to Kyle.

"That was the one time that I have ever seen my mother so scared for her life and mine. That was also the night that I found out what a doppelgänger was. There are good and bad ones. It's like this little switch in their brains. It's crazy I know. Any questions?"

Logan just blinks and stares at Jules like they grew a second head. Wtf were they talking about. Was that why the other Logan was after them? Were they all cursed? Was this his fault?"

"Was this my fault?" Logan asks, looking down at his hands.

"No. This is no one's fault. We just happen to have really bad luck. And we think that we may be getting closer to solving Emma's murder." Liam says, scratching the back of his neck.


"Yeah. Going to see Edith wasn't the only reason why I went to California. Emma's parents live there and I went to go meet them. They surprisingly agreed but what I found out wasn't pretty." Jules answers.

"What did you find?"

~ End of Chapter ~

Word Count ~ 927

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