Chapter 9 - Final Investigation

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A/N ~ Hey guys! I'm going to make sure that this is a long chapter mainly because the next chapter is when shit hits the fan and you'll see how this chapter sets it up. Love you all!

"Alright guys we now officially have this place all to ourselves so it's time to start the investigation." Colby says, talking into the camera as Jules and Liam walk back downstairs.

"This is honestly going to be a night to remember huh?" Sam asks, looking at the duo.

"Yeah, and hopefully in a good way." Jules answers, looking upstairs until joining the boys.

"Now what was your guys first mistake last time."

"Calling Sallie 'it' instead of 'she'"

"Honestly agreeing to go with Dylan and Kyle."


Jules and Liam look at each other trying to find out what to say next. Knowing that their first mistake was going down into the basement. It was the main reason why Sallie was pissed and it wasn't even Jules or Liam who did it. You would think that the ghost would be more annoyed with Dylan and/or Kyle but they think it was mostly mad at them because they never tried to fully stop it from happening.

Although they know that all the bad luck was because of the Sallie house and it was later confirmed by 'Sallie' being carved into Liam's back. They both agreed to never talk about that night again and specifically that exact time. Maybe in a few years if they become friends with Sam and Colby they'll tell them about that night but, until then.

"In all seriousness I would say our first mistake was calling Sallie 'it'. We know now that it was a stupid thing to do but went along with it anyway, also, the basement if fucking creepy," Pause, "Sorry can I swear?"

"Yeah it's fine, we do it all the time." Colby answers, nugging Sam on the shoulder.

"So we'll be splitting up. Jules, you and Colby will go upstairs. Liam and I will go down into the basement."

Liam slowly turns their head towards Jules, looking for help.

"Do you really not want to go down there?" Jules asks, looking Liam dead in the eye. Liam nods, never turning away from Jules's glare,  "Well to bad, I went down there last time with Kyle and that was hell. You'll be fine."

"What's the worst that can happen?" Sam asks, looking between the two.

You can die. Jules thinks but instead says, "She'll shut the door and keep it there to give you a scare, either knock as loud as you can or text one of us for help."


POV ~ Jules

"So these are just basic Walmart flashlights, nothing too special. We use these for yes and no questions. You can apologize now since we are just setting up and the camera isn't on."

"Yeah, probably a good idea," Jules says, getting up from their spot on the bed, "Hey Sallie, are you here? Turn the red flashlight on if you are."

"Oh my god." Colby says, looking at the red flashlight.

"So we're going to play a little yes and no game okay? What that means is the red flashlight means yes and blue flashlight means no. Do you understand?"

Red flashlight turns off.

"Good, good. I just wanted to apologize for the last time I was here. I understand that I wasn't a good guest in your house and I'm very sorry for that. Both me and Liam are. We now understand what we did wrong and we underestimated you. Do you accept my apology? It's okay if you don't, I understand,

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