Our First Meet

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Next day,

Leon took his bag and rushed towards the car when someone held his and to stop him.. It was his dad...

Boun:Leon why are you leaving without having breakfast Leon? (in a cold tune)

Leon:Sorry... Boun (tears building up in his doe eyes)

Boun felt guilty of rude behavior towards his son and immediately pulled him into his arms and hugged him...[Leon never called boun as dad, instead by his name,Boun]

Leon left for the school with the driver as he was excited to meet his Cutie sir. While Boun was on his way to his company, who was a renowned wine merchant and his company is among the top 5 wine companies in the country. While driving Boun's mind was not on the road and he suddenly stopped and saw that he hit someone.He saw a man carrying something and shouted at the person
"Are you blind man? ".The person looked at boun..... The person was Prem😉

 The person was Prem😉

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Prem:Hey, excuse me. Stop yelling at me. I was just saving this little kitten, whom you were about to kill. (Rolling eyes)

Boun's breathe hitched at the sight of such a cute boy.... But never mind he brought himself back to composure and replied... (Our Mr ice cube is back🤣)

Boun:Oh sorry. Let me take you to hospital (after looking at Prem's hand which was injured).

Prem:No thanks, I need to go to school urgently. My kids are waiting for me.

Prem was about to leave, when he felt a sudden grasp on his hand. He saw that the elder held his hand and mouthed "Let's go".So both of them went to the hospital.

Doctor:Hello Mr Boun, how come you are here?

Boun:Doctor,kindly check him. I'll pay the medical expenses.

Prem:It's okay I can pay the bill by myself.

Boun:Shut up(in a cold tune). It's my responsibility.

After all the formalities, Boun left the hospital. Nurse came towards Prem and gave him the medicine. When Prem asked her about Boun, she replied that he had already left.

At Prem's flat

Prem felt upset as he couldn't even say thanks to Mr Boun and also for being absent on the second day of his class.

Boun, sitting on his chair, was thinking about the things that Principal told him about Leon and the teacher. Suddenly his mind flashed up with the scene of Prem hugging the kitten (he didn't even knew the name of that person)and mouthed as ''Cute'' and smiled lightly.

After sometime,
A knock on the door. It was Kao, his childhood friend (father of Fiat) and also his manager.

Kao:Hey Boun, What are u smiling at? (with a smirk)

Boun:Nothing.Do u have something to say?(wearing a poker face)

Kao:Did you come to know about the new teacher at our children's school. Yesterday Fiat was so happy and kept telling about the teacher... And also about how Leon was happy too...

Boun:Yes, Principal called me and told about all the incidents.

Kao:Okay.Since you know then let me take a leave.... Keep missing me bro. (with a mocking laugh)

Boun:Shut up you Ass hole. 🤣

I hope u like this chapter cuties... ♥🥰.... Vote for it and don't forget to comment💬

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