Our second meet

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Manaow: Hey Prem, Show us ur room na... naaa

Del and Pharm:Yes, yes. We also want to know what kind of drawings has filled up ur room's wall. (Mocking way)

Prem showed them around and the drawings hung over the wall. They were all made by Prem, can be said as perfect, peaceful and mesmerizing paintings....

Prem:By the way, why did you call me at this time?

Pharm:Prem we forgot to tell you that tomorrow is the PTM. So be ready to meet the parents of your class.

Prem:Okay, thanks. I gotta go now. Byee.

Pharm,Del,Manaow:Bye bye.

Next day at school
Prem went to the classroom and saw that all the little kids were there with their parents except for Fiat and Leon.
After sometime Fiat and Leon entered the classroom from the back door with their father. But both Prem and Boun didn't notice each other coz Prem was busy looking for the register and Boun looking for a seat.

Boun as soon as took his seat and looked at the teacher, he was both shocked and surprised to see the blonde. If he was correct then Prem was the cute guy whom he met before. He thought to himself "Now this is called as destiny 🥰"

Prem:Leon, u are the first come with ur parents.

Leon:Yes Cutie Sir. [Went with his dad and took a seat]

Boun:Hellooo, Cutie sir(with a smirk)

Prem was shocked to hear the voice as it sounds similar, when he looked up he was shocked and their eyes locked. It was Mr Boun

Prem:Mr Boun, are you Leon's father?? (To adjust his expression he asked about Leon's mother)Leon sadly looking down

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Prem:Mr Boun, are you Leon's father?? (To adjust his expression he asked about Leon's mother)
Leon sadly looking down.....

Boun:Yes.I am Boun Noppanut, father of Leon Noppanut. I am a single parent...
(In a sweet but dominating tone)

Prem understood that Leon was sad so he cupped up his face and gave a kiss on his cheeks. Leon smiled and gave back Prem a kiss too which made Prem chukle. Boun saw all these, corner of his lips rised and he didn't even notice that he was smiling (as if he too wanted the kiss 😏)

After the PTM ended. Boun came with Leon to ask him for a lunch. Seeing Leon's puppy face with a pout he couldn't deny the request. So he just nodded.....

Boun opened the passenger seat door and mouthed as 'Sit'. Leon took the back seat and then Boun drove the car to their mansion. He was surprised to see such a beautiful mansion. He was very eager to see the interior of the mansion.

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