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Sorry guys , I can't update this chapter yesterday coz...my teacher hase given me many assignments... 😖😑...

But I am happy that I can update today.... I hope u like it ❤

Time skipped six months later,

The rays of light entered through the window fell on the beautiful doe eyes of Prem making him frown, after waking up he felt like his chest was heavy and in pain....then he realised that this was because of the blessings of his beloved husband (note the sarcasm), he ruffled his Hia's hair and started pinching his cheeks to wake him up but he didn't even move a bit....Prem sighed and then moved his hands to get the phone to check time....as he saw it was 8 a.m he immediately got up and kicked his husband ass, which led to a 'THUD' sound.

Boun:What the heck?? Baby why did you kick my ass?? Aahhh it hurts...

Prem:(laughing his heart out and then smirked) because of the pain that you give me in the night....

Boun:Baby don't say like that.... We just make love.... (Smiled innocently)

Prem:I am not talking about that hia.... I am talking about your sleeping habits(frown)... Aahhhh my chest hurts so much all because of your heavy head.... You have a pillow right then why sleep on my chest...

Boun:Because it's the best and most comfortable place to keep my head on...

Prem:(sighed)No use of arguing with u...Go wake up Leon.. I am going to take shower.

Boun:Nah... Come let's cuddle for some more time... Then I'll go... (looking with puppy eyes)

Prem:Stop with that face hia.... Just go and wake him up... I'm already late....

Boun huffed and looked down making a sad face.... Prem sighed at the big baby and then pecked his lips.... And dashed in to the bathroom... Boun was stunned, unable to process and then touched his lips, (started smiling) by remembering his adorable husband face... Then stood up and went to Leon's room.

Boun:Baby, wake up.....wake up fast,or else your mommy's gonna kick me again.

Leon:Dada five more minutes naa... (showing his five little fingers)

Boun I internally cooed at his son's cuteness...

Boun:If you don't wake up now then we both won't get kisses from your mommy... And also he will ignore us.

Leon:He will ignore you Dada...not me... (giggles)

Boun:Get up and be ready.... Fast... You brat...

Leon chuckled at his dada's expression. After their breakfast Boun brought the car to drop them to school. At car Prem kissed Leon's cheeks and said to him to not to be naughty at school. After their marriage Leon not only talked to everyone but also become very naughty. Prem recently got a lot of complains from the teachers. Although the teachers loved the naughtiness of the baby ,but still Prem being a good mommy disciplined his son. Soon they reached the school, Prem after getting out ran towards the driving seat window, bent down to Boun's level kissed his cheeks and said - "Work hard my sweetheart I love you". Boun kissed him back and then happily left for his company, While Prem and Leon went to the classroom .

When Boun was at his cabin while having a discussion with Kao he received a call, which made his smile widen and his eyes were about to pop out due to happiness. He stood up and went near the window, talked to the person happily and then the call ended....

Kao:What was the call about Boun??You seem so happy...

Boun:David is coming back ....he didn't meet Prem after our marriage, so he will be in Thailand within this week... I am so excited to meet him after so long...I really missed him...

Kao:Wow, finally he is back and we are going to meet him... After you took over the company, he left for London... After these long three years we'll meet him.

At home,
Three of them were t the dining and having their dinner. On one side Leon amd Prem were laughing and talking about something. Boun coughed to get their attention because recently he noticed that his husband and son were ignoring him. But little did he know that they were actually planning about his surprise birthday party that was next week...

Boun:What are you both talking about??And yes sweethearts why are you both ignoring me? (Pouting)

Both Prem and Leon chuckled....

Leon:No Dada... We are not ignoring you... Leon loves his Dada very much.

Prem:Hia..why will we ignore you... I love you so much...

Boun:You both are repeating the same lines. Now it's confirmed that you are hiding something. Spit it out fast...

Prem:Hia you said that you wanted to tell something important. What is it?? (trying to divert the topic...and he was successful too)

Boun:Ohh shit. I forgot to tell you Prem, my cousin, David, about whom I told you before is returning to Thailand by this week. Actually he can't attend our marriage so he is specifically coming to meet you.... (his eyes were beaming)

Prem:Wow that's great...

As Prem turned to look at Leon he didn't fail to notice the happy face suddenly turned into a sad one, eyes filled with tears. He also noticed that Auntie's face was sad on the thought of David's return... whereas Boun was smiling ear to ear, his eyes were beaming, unknown of his son's expression.... Prem was confused with their expression and that guy David.....

Guys, why is baby Leon sad... And who is this guy David???

Let's see in the next update... Till the read this chapter.... And if u like it then don't forget to vote for it... 💕❤

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