Return of the Devil 😈

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'And you never thought about sharing it with me'

Hearing the voice both Prem and auntie were shocked and instantly turned around their heads to see a pair of red eyes filled with tears, angry face of Boun, fists clenched, as if he would kill David at this moment.... He was very angry, his blood was boiling with the thought of David harassing his sister in law.... Boun ran towards his study room, Prem followed him. Luckily before he could lock the room Prem entered and locked it. Boun started hitting the wall with his fist, not caring about the blood that was continuously flowing.... Prem let him take out all his anger after seeing so much blood he pulled Boun away and hugged him.....

Prem:Let it all out hia... If you wanna cry then cry... No is here, hmm... Only us.... So take it all out... I am right here with you....

Boun started crying like a baby, his face behind Prem's neck... He cried till Prem's shirt was wet.....

Boun:I always knew that my sister in law is so good, she always considered me as her own brother, loved me like his son. I always used to become a kid near her. I always wanted to protect my family from any harm. But I never knew that my family itself has a man who tried to harm her. How dumb I was to never notice it, Prem.... I hate myself... I am ashamed of myself.....

Prem:It's okay hia... It's okay...don't blame yourself it's not your fault. He was wrong, if you want we will talk to him. Ok now stop crying please for me....

Boun nodded and hugged him tightly. They stayed in this position for some more time...

Prem:Hubby has Leon woken up?? Come let's go. You might be hungry na. Today I have made the breakfast, your favorite pancakes.... (trying to cheer up his husband with the new nickname because he knows that Boun loved to be called hubby)

Boun:Yes while I came down he was taking a shower.

Boun:Wait w-what did you just call me ?

Prem chuckled and replied in a seductive way 'hubby' Boun's cheek turned red by hearing the word.... He pecked Prem's lips and said 'That's it, from now on call me that'.

Prem nodded and smiled at each other... They reached the kitchen and were shocked to see the view. Their naughty son who was not even the height of the kitchen counter, with the help of the stool climbed over the counter and was enjoying the pancakes. Their all sadness faded away by their baby's cuteness. They internally cooed their son but then faked an angry face and stood near him. He immediately rubbed his lips....

Prem:Leon baby. It's wrong. I made it for us... I wanted to feed you with my own hand.... But seems like my baby doesn't wanna eat with his mommy. I feel sad(wiping out jis fake tears)

Leon:(Immediately jumped to Prem's lap). mommy. I was just checking it... It is very very tasty, please feed Leon fast, I am very hungry....

Prem:Okay my sweetie pie. Go with your dada. I will bring it right away.. (kissed Leon's forehead)

Boun:I also want Leon's mommy to feed me.... I am hungry too.... (Looked towards Prem showing his puppy eyes)

Prem:(sighed) Stop acting hia... Take him with you. I will bring the food, now go both if you.

Boun huffed and carried Leon with him to seat on a couch. Prem brought the pancakes...

(Wanted to share the pic.... Don't know why... Lol😂😂)

Prem sat in between both of them. Boun was giving him a questionable look, to which Prem replied that 'You both wanted me to feed you that's why'... Boun started smiling like a fool, then the three of them had their breakfast and went to their bedroom. They cuddled and soon fell asleep.

After some time.
Boun woke up, to is surprise both Leon and Prem were not there in the bed. He started to panic.... As he reached by Leon's door he saw Fiat, Leon, Prem, Kao, Earth talking and laughing .He felt happy to see his friends and family together. He didn't want to disturb them so he left. But little did he know that they were preparing for his birthday only. He went to his study room and picked his phone to receive the call it was 'David' .He tried to calm down his anger.

David:Hey my little brother. Where are you?? At home, because I landed in Thailand already...

Boun:Bro.. Y-you are here. When will you reach home? (face became red due to anger as he thought of his sister in law)

David:I will come soon. Just say what do you want as a birthday gift??

Boun:Nothing. You just come home. I have many things to talk to you...

David:Chill little one... I am coming soon. Make ur Pretty husband ready to meet me....

Boun cut the call. He then remembered these sentences were similar to those three years back ,when David returned from London, when Leon was still small... "Boun make our pretty sister in law ready to meet me"....after this his knees were giving up.....he felt weak....he just mumbled "I need to protect you Prem from this Monster...I won't allow him to lay his filthy hands on my Prem....never"...

Guys... The devil has returned... What do you think.... Will they fight?? What will happen next??

Let's see some more mystery are there to be resolved..... Wait for the next update my dear lovely readers💞❤....

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