Birthday planning

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Two days later

Prem, Leon, Fiat, Kao, Earth, Aunt were all busy decorating the pool side at the back of the mansion, because they were planning to give him a surprise pool party.
Boun was at his office working on some files. He need to stay in the office the whole day because his son and husband did not allow him to enter the mansion before evening and even asked Kao to give a day leave. He thought in his mind "I don't know why am I even listening to's my house I can go whenever I want....yes I'll go right now...I am so bored...."He then stood up to leave but suddenly stopped and remembered what Prem said him yesterday " Hia,if yesterday you come home before evening then remember the punishment... No cuddles, no kisses, no sex for a month... And also you have to sleep in the couch for a whole month ".Prem had already played his Trump card... And he knows that Boun will not dare to return home beforehand.... (Poor Boun)

At afternoon,

Prem:Ahhh.... finally it's's looking so pretty. I just hope that hia likes it.

Leon:Mommy, dada will love it after all we made it

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Leon:Mommy, dada will love it after all we made it....(giggles)

Prem:Naughty boy.... Ahem... Ahem.. Thank you so much everyone for your help. You made it happen so smoothly (bowed down)

Earth:Ohh c'mon Prem. Stop being so formal... After all we are friends... Like a family, right.

Prem nodded and both of them hugged each other. Recently Prem and Earth had become very close. They often visit each other during weekends with their babies, while their husband's are busy at their work.

They were all talking to each other when they heard someone enter the mansion. Everyone went to see who it was then Kao and Aunty stood there shocked , while Leon was scared. Seeing the expressions Prem understood who it's was... He was David.

Kao had already known about David's misdeeds, as Boun shared with him the very next day, when he got to know

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Kao had already known about David's misdeeds, as Boun shared with him the very next day, when he got to know.

Kao:Aunty, take Leon, Fiat to their room. Prem and Earth,both of you go inside your room....Let me greet him.

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