Why are the drawings so sad?

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Hey my lovely cutie pies..... Many of you are just silently reading this book... Nah nah at least vote and comment na ❤.... Your author will be encouraged babies.....

Getting back to the story🍻

Leon came back home with a sad face, which Boun hates to see. He knew that Leon would not share with him so he thought of Fiat and called Kao..

Kao:Boun, what happened, you called at this time??

Boun:Hey Kao, today Leon was very sad when he returned.. Did Fiat say you something about what happened in school ??

Kao:Heyy, why don't you ask him yourself ?

Boun:You know that he won't answer me. (in a sad tune)

Kao:Fiat is also sad. He said that the drawing teacher was absent today. May be it's the reason of Leon's sadness too.

Boun:Ohh.okay, Bye then.. Thanks.

Suddenly he got angry and thought that how irresponsible is the teacher, absent in the second day of school, also made the kids sad(forming his fist in anger)

He didn't even know that he was the reason 😂😂...

He called the Principal and asked why is the new teacher so irresponsible. How can you hire someone like him for the kids.. Now the kids were sad. Principal can understand Boun's point of view but also was very furious by Boun's behavior by the way he interrogated because it's his school not Boun's company.....

And firmly replied that the teacher got into an accident, that's why he was absent and hung up the call without even waiting for Boun's reply...

Boun felt guilty because of his behavior but he could not bear his son's sad face... But do you guys think that he will say sorry to the principal...then of course not duh, he is Mr ice cube naa....

Next day at school,

Prem entered the classroom and was upset to see the gloomy faces of his little lovely kids, and especially tears in Leon's eyes. .. He greeted everyone "Good morning my kids,I missed you all a lot,sorry for yesterday...okay babies".
Everyone jumped out in joy...

Leon:Cutie sir, I missed you so much(tears rolling down his cheeks)

Prem:I missed you too baby. [Hugged him and wiped out his tears]

He began to take the classes, actually he really taught his children with lots of patience which was the main reason why students loved him. After the class he went back to his home...

At home,while he was checking the drawing copies, he noticed that Leon really was great in drawing compared to all his aged students.... But why are all his drawing his so sad like - a baby crying, darkness, alone... So he understood what Principal meant that day.. (guys if u want to know what the principal said then refer to chapter- Introduction)

He was buried in his chain of thoughts when his phone rang... It was Manaow, Del, Pharm in video call...

Cutie pie tell me how you like this chapter and don't forget to vote 😘..... Love u my lovelies❤❣️

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