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Three weeks later,

A fine morning, no worries in the mansion. Everything was going smooth. The birds chirping, wind blowing..... Everything was very calm. The couple now were in the bed cuddling and inhaling each other's scent, not caring about the outside world.... Also today both if them are not going for their respective works because Boun has planned to take Prem somewhere..... While their enjoying time was disturbed by their naughty son. Leon started banging at the door and yelled "Open the door mommy, dada....I wanna sleep with you ".Boun immediately jumped out of the bed and opened the door and there his little brat ran to Prem and hid himself inside the blanket.

Boun:Aishh, Leon.... don't run or you'll get hurt son....

Prem:Baby do you wanna sleep with us for some more time?? But you have your school naa....

Leon:Mommy..... There is time for school.. I am all alone in my room and here you both are together... I also want someone...

Boun:Leon, I understand what you are saying. I know you want someone, that's what I was talking about with your mommy. Soon you'll get your suprise....

Leon excitedly nodded, his eyes beaming with joy, while Prem was confused by Boun's words because they did not discuss about it at all. Although deep in his heart he too wanted a small baby to take care of and a sibling for Leon..... Then the three of them cuddled for some more time and then after having their breakfast , the couple dropped Leon to the school and left.... As Boun was going to take him somewhere.... Boun drove his car silently not even uttering a single word where Prem was trying his best to investigate where they were going. Soon they reached  near a orphanage, an old building...

Prem was hella confused at that time

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Prem was hella confused at that time. Before he could even process anything, Boun dragged him inside the orphanage. Soon they were welcomed by the kids and an old age women, who was their caretaker. The children bowed them and ran to play. Prem too started olayin with the kids, why not because he loved kids. Seeing the scene Boun internally cooed at his baby's adorable face. While Prem was playing, Boun discussed with the caretaker....

Prem's attention was caught by a small bew born baby who was sleeping silently in a crib holding a pacifier. He went near the baby, whose lips parted, eyes closed, sweet snores were puffing out of the small pink lips. He was cooing at the site....

Then he suddenly felt a warm embrace from back, he just leaned more to get the warmth if his husband

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Then he suddenly felt a warm embrace from back, he just leaned more to get the warmth if his husband.

Boun:So my baby has already chosen a sibling for Leon, hmm.... (as these words left his mouth, Prem immediately turned around)

Prem:Hia, please don't joke, are we seriously going to adopt her??? Please tell me that we are going to take her.... She is so cute, Leon will love her and me too....(showing his puppy eyes)

Boun:Aahhh.... Stop with those eyes love, you know how I become in front of these eyes...... And yes we are going to take her home and that too today itself.... Take her with you while I am going to fill up the formalities..... Okay love.

Prem hugged him and pecked his lipsto show how happy he was ignoring the giggles of the kids..... Soon after Boun finished the formalities they bid goodbye to the kids and bowed to the caretaker..... While they were returning to their home, Boun informed about it to Aunt Claire, to start making preparations, while Prem was busy in playing with the baby in his arms. After they reached home all the maids and aunt cooed at the new born features..... While everyone were preparing, Boun called Kao, who was presently in London ....(Let me tell you guys after David got arrested, Boun handed over the London branch to Kao and made him the CEO of that branch, although he stayed at Thailand but only went there for some works) He showed the face of the baby to Kao who was having tears in his eyes, because he was very happy for his friend.... They talked for a while and then he cut the call.... And went to check if all the preparation were done because they were going to have a small family party which was a surprise for Leon....

Oblivious Leon came back from school, fully tired but soon his dull face lit up with joy by seeing the decorations. While he was searching for his parents the couple entered holding the baby in their arms. Leon ran towards them, his eyes beamed with excitement..

Leon:Who is she dada??? She is so cute.... Just like my mommy....

Boun:You said that you wanted a baby brother or sister... So see we brought you a baby sister....

Prem:Baby, take a look at your sister. How is she, do you like her???

Leon:Mommy she is so so cute and so soft..... Leon loves his little sister so much.... She will stay with us forever naa....

Boun:(both if them nodded) Aishhhh.... We were going to give her a name. Kiddo do you have any name for your sister.... Hmm

Leon:Yess... Yess.... She is... umm... Lily... Yess her name is Lily..... Leon's little sister Lily.... Yayyyy my little sister.....

Leon soon forgot his surroundings and started talking to the baby, while the baby was holding his fingers... He said "Lily you grow up fast okay, your brother will buy you so so many toys and we will play together and then sleep together... I will share all my chocolates with you....."... Everyone was happy seeing the brother sister duo. Prem's eyes were glossy with tears.... He never in his dreams thought that within  a year he will have a family, a sweet home and the best caring husband.... He felt that he has got the best gift in his life....

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