Hints 🤞

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After 2 hours ,

Prem finished teaching the lessons to Leon and bid goodbye as he was about to leave. He was stopped by someone's call that was aunt Claire.

Aunt:Prem sir, just wait for two minutes. The car will be ready soon.

Prem:But what for?? To drop me off??

Aunt:Yes. Our sir ordered us to safely drop you off safely at home.

Prem:It's okay auntie. I can go by myself you don't need to worry and also it's not that late too. Also I wanted to tell you something....

Aunt:What sir??

Prem: Please call me Prem. I am not your boss and also I am just of your son's age, okay.

Aunt:Okay... Prem. (Gave a caring smile) reach home safely dear....

Prem nodded and took a leave. While Boun was at his office, taking his files and leaving for a meeting. Someone tapped his shoulder he turned back to see his best friend, Kao....

Boun:What happened, Kao? Why did you stop me ? Come let's go to meeting it's about to start...

Kao:After the meeting let's talk.


Soon the meeting ended both of them were in Boun's cabin. Boun sat on the couch while Kao on a chair next to him both sipping their coffee. The Silence was then broken by Kao.

Kao:So, how are you feeling having your love around you?

Boun:Shut up. It's nothing like you think.

Kao: Why? What happened? (Faked a worried face... While smirked in heart)

Boun:Umm... how to say.....actually he is not talking to me, not smiling at me and most important is that he is showing me his cold attitude which I can't even bear

Kao: You deserve it after what you have done to him.....wait a second did I misheard the last sentence....oh God, is Prem giving you cold attitude and really to you who is an ice Cold Mountain himself....hahaha...(started laughing his all heart out)...After hearing this from you ,I feel like my life is complete not bothering to die.....Seriously, God has made someone who can give you the same attitude that you give to other people.You both are made for each other, man.....

Boun:Shut the fuck up..

Kao:Okay,okay fine. By the way it's better that at least you can see him directly rather than using a lame excuse to pick up Leon just see your cutie one....

Boun:Shut up you asshole and leave me alone

Kao:Okay, I am going. Stop cursing me so much, man. (Wiping out his fake tears)

As Kao was about to leave Boun's phone rang, it was auntie. He signalled Kao to leave and then turn to the other side facing the wall and attended the call.

Aunt:Sir, I wanted to say you something...By the way did I interrupt in your work??

Boun:Auntie, please call me Boun, I always tell you to call me Boun. And what you want to say?

Aunt:Boun... you have chosen the right person for you and Leon, he is really a great guy. I think Prem really loves you a lot. You should not worry much and tell him about the past I know he will understand and forgive you after all it's past, son.

Boun:No, never aunty I can never tell him about the past....he will hate me...he will hate us and will leave us forever. I can't let that happen...I can't tell him please I hope it will be a secret between us ....please auntie.

Aunt: Okay Boun.

Call ended

Boun was facing the wall and thinking about what auntie told he didn't notice that Kao had not yet left office...and heard all the conversation about Boun and auntie. But he can't listen to auntie's reply. He immediately texted Prem to meet him after the school at cafeteria....Kao then completed all his work and went to the school and waited for him at the cafeteria...On the other side Prem too, as the lunch bell ring...He immediately went to the cafeteria. Both of them greeted each other and took the seat..

Kao:Prem, I have something important to tell you. Today while I was at Boun's cabin. I overheard his conversation with aunt Claire's in the phone....

Prem:What did they talk about? Did you get any hint phi??

Kao:I just heard Boun saying that he could never tell you about the past or else you will hate him, his family and leave them forever.....he told aunt Claire to keep it as a secret. So according to me auntie knows the reason behind Boun's changed behaviour towards you...

Prem:Past... what does it mean? I just wanted to know what happened that night that made Boun leave me but it seems like there is something more that Boun is trying to hide from me....

Kao:Prem, I think the answer to your questions will be given by aunty you should ask her. ..

Prem:Hmm... I can't ask her today itself, let this week paas first .Let me make my bond stronger with her....

Kao:Okay.. Then bye Prem.. Take care.

Prem:Bye... Thanks phi...

Hello my dear lovely readers... I hope you like this chapter... What do you think... Will he get his answers.. Let's see in the next chapters 🥰❤

All the best to BounPrem❤❤❤..

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