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"T-the..... Murderer" Prem replied.

Boun:What are you saying Prem?? (he started pulling his hairs with frustration)

Prem:Y-yes hia. He murdered my and Leon's parents. He is the one...

Boun was shocked, hurted.... He was unable to process what Prem said, he was about to fall when Kao helped him, whole Earth was calming down Prem. Aunt took both Leon and Fiat inside their room...

Boun:Prem, you said that you didn't see the face of the murderer, how can you say that he was the one?

Prem:Hia.... I didn't see the face but I saw his tattooed hands. See David's right hand... It's the same tattoo.... I can never forget this hand...this tattoo.... It still haunts me in my dreams.... Hia believe me.....

David:Ohh c'mon Prem, stop being so ridiculous. What are you trying to say?? I don't understand any of your nonsense....
And why will I kill my brother and sister in law?? Huh!

Prem:Shut up you f**#$*#*#$$..... You killed my mom dad and Leon's parents too..... 3 years back I saw it with my own eyes, because I too was present there God dammit.... I saw with my own eyes.... You shot them dead.... (that's it... He broke down, tears rolling down his cheeks)

Saying that David was shocked to hear this would be an understatement.... But still he didn't care much. Earth who was holding Prem moved aback by hearing those curses coming out of Prem's mouth... Everyone present there including Boun flinched by hearing Prem. Boun signalled Kao when he saw that no one was watching them, Kao immediately went to the corner and after sometime returned with a glass of water for Prem....

David:Yes.Whatever you are saying is true Prem.... I killed them(smirk)

Kao:But why??? And how did you do it??

David:Actually it's not my fault. I don't want to kill all of them. I just planned to kill that b*** who refused to sleep with me and when I forced her, she even dared to slap me. So on the day of accident, I reached at the site as I was following them since the start of the day, when I saw the accident then I thought that it would be a great chance to kill her because no one will know who killed her. And all will look like a mere accident. But when I shot her there were three other persons who saw my face(Leon's biological father, Prem's parents). So to save myself, I shot all of them. I don't want any of them to inform about this to police Or else I will lose my everything..... After that I drove away and then came back with the police with a fake sad face... I actually was very happy to know that both Boun and Leon were unconscious. It clearly means that whatever I say him he would believe it. So after he woke up from coma. I told him that in a car accident all of them were spot dead. Only he and Leon survived. And guess what he trusted me at once and didn't even try to dig much about that night.... Because my little brother was busy in blaming himself for their death....
See I already confessed my crime....but guess what unlucky you all, can't even do anything to me because you don't have any proof against me.... (smirked proudly)

Boun:(grabbed David's t-shirt and punched his face, and his lips were bleeding) How can you do this to us?? You killed that person who gave you all this. We considered you as our own brother and this is how you treat us.... You m**#$..... You will get the punishment for messing with my FAMILY... (gritted his teeth in anger)

After saying this he told Kao to make a phone call and ask where the cops were... While he was busy hugging his husband and said sweet words in his ears to calm him down..... "Baby don't worry he'll get the worst punishment for messing with us".. When he felt that Prem had calmed down, he turned to see that Kao was already done with the call and both if them were smirking at David.... On the other side David was confused on what was happening.... But he didn't show it on his face.

David: Even if you call the cops, they won't arrest me because you don't have any proof against me.... (chuckles)

Kao: Who said that we don't have any proof against you??

David: (shocked but tried to hide it) If you are trying to say that Prem is going to be the witness. Then let me make something crystal clear that no one knows the the was there.... So no use of it Kao...

Boun: (smirked) Who told you that Prem is the one?? my dear brother...

David: Huh?? What do you mean??

Everyone looked at Kao and Boun with 'How the fuck' expression' . Prem stopped crying and turned to see Boun. He didn't understand what kind of proof they were talking about. While Boun looked at Kao and mouthed as 'Bring it' . Kao went towards the counter where drinks were served.

Boun:I don't think that you deserve death so easily. I want you to suffer what my sister in law and Leon had suffered. And I'll make sure that your death will be very painful and slow. I want you to know how it feels to be forced.... You will regret that why did you mess with my family...... (said angrily)

Everyone gasped at Boun and his dangerous aura gave everyone shiver in their spines....As Kao came back, the cops had already arrived. He handed over the pendrive to the cops.

(Guys your writer has not much knowledge about these laws and all... Whatever I'll write it will be fully made up by me... So please bear it with me)

All were confused, except Boun and Kao. But their confusion were cleared up by seeing the uniform of the cops. They were not the normal ones. They only arrested the most terrible criminals and sent them to very deadly prisons. In the prison, newly sent criminals were raped by the others. And Boun being rich enough made sure to send David to the worst prison...... David was shaking with fear, he knew that it was his end, now nothing is going to save him, so he kept quiet... The cops took the pendrive and after arresting David, they took him away. After they left, all realised that David is going to live a life of hell from now on....

Earth:Kao, Boun. What is happening? ?What was there in the pendrive..Care to explain...

Kao:Actually baby, while we were arranging for Boun's birthday. I thought that if David does anything bad to you or Prem so we both need to be alert but we also knew that Police will not arrest him just by hearing us because he also has strong connections.....we need to give the cops strong evidence so Boun thought that CCTV would be great....when we heard about the murder....Boun signalled me to start the recording in the CCTV and after that to remove the suspicion I came back with a glass of water for make Prem as you saw that time....To make him confess I just acted as if I did not understand anything about his plan and see I didn't know that he would confess his crime so easily and then we recorded the video and give it to the police.... (both Kao and Boun smiled at each other)

Prem ran towards Boun and hugged him, he hugged him back and then Prem mouthed "Thank you so much Hia".He also thanked Kao by hugging Kao. Boun cleared his throat and immediately pulled Prem closer by his waist..... Everyone laughed at his possessiveness.....

After that the David's chapter was close and everyone enjoyed that day..... Couples and children were dancing, eating, chit chatting..... Everyone were happy with the moment....

My dear precious... Tell me how do you like this chapter, I hope that you will like the upcoming chapter too as it's near the end🥰🥰

Just vote for it guys....I am going to upload next 2 chapters which is fully filled with happy moments of BounPrem and their children... (Oops😅 not child.... Dear's Children🤫😏😏)

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