Plan execution

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I see many of my babies have become a silent reader hmm.... C'mon leave some comments for your lazy author to give her some encouragement....

Okay enough of these things.... Let's get back to the story guys....

At school

Leon and Fiat came running towards Prem with a tensed face and hugged him... Prem hugged back and placed kisses on their cheeks.

Prem:What happened to my sweetie pies?

Leon:Cutie sir, I am scared for the exam...If I get less marks then Boun will be upset...I don't want to upset Boun...

Prem:Fiat, why don't you help him? He is your best friend na...

Fiat:Cutie sir, I also want to help him but if else study together, we will end up with playing games so I thought if you could help him with studies...

Leon:Yes Cutie sir... Please help me if you help me then I'll surely get the first place... (Looking at Prem with puppy eyes)

Prem:Umm... Okay but first you talk to your Dad. Leon, if it's okay then I'll come from tomorrow.

Prem was nervous that how will he face Boun. While he was thinking about this things, the kids pecked his cheeks and ran away making him chuckle. He started to think that he rear felt safe when Boun was around him but the past incidents made him tremble. While he was buried in his thoughts he received a message from an unknown number -"Hello Prem,it's me Fiat's dad. I need to talk to you. Can we meet at the cafe during break. I will be waiting."

Prem was confused that why suddenly Fiat's dad wants to meet him.. But he shook his thoughts away and went to the cafe. On the right side the man waved him he followed and both of them greeted each other...and soon ordered coffee..

Prem:Mr Kao, What do you want to talk to me?

Kao:Don't mind me Prem....thin me as your friend...I think that you need to know something Prem.

Prem:What is it P'Kao?

Kao:Prem don't get me wrong. Boun really loves you a lot..( before he could finish him sentence Prem interrupted him)

Prem:If you came here to talk about Boun then... Let me say you that I am really not interested.

Kao:Wait Prem don't leave yet. Just listen to me once after that you decide. I really can't see Boun in this state. He lost his brother and sister in law... They were his only family after that he only focused on taking care of Leon and the company... Never thought about himself... We all lost that carefree Boun forever..... But after you entered his life he began to smile... He was becoming the old self... He loves you so much Prem. That day he was planning to propose you but met with an accident.... After that next day when he returned from your house he was upset.. He didn't eat much, talks less. I even saw him crying hugging ur photo.... I hope you don't think that he doesn't love you... Because he loves you with all his heart...And also one thing, he didn't allow me to tell you but you must know..that day the person who brought you to the hospital was Boun.... I hope you can decide now.

Prem was dumbstruck after hearing Kao's words, he can't believe that his Hia loves him so much... He started crying. He then remembered the night... That means it was not a dream, his Hia was really there. He felt so happy.... But the his face turned into a worried expression... He wanted to know why was his Hia behaving in this way...

Prem:P'Kao, why is Hia behaving in this way then??

Kao:I don't know Prem. But he said that he doesn't deserve you. He has done a sin and God is punishing him by taking you away from him... Blah blah blah.. (Rolled his eyes)

Prem:thank you so much phi for telling me all this. Thank you.... (tears flowing down his cheeks)

Kao:Prem, I hope now you will help me to bring Boun back to normal....

Prem:Of course phi. I will surely help you. I really love him.. I will do anything that's possible....

Kao:Nothing much, just be Leon's tutor.. Rest all the things we'll handle(smirk)

Prem:Leon? Does he knows all this??

Kao:Of course don't underestimate him... This whole plan was made by him.... He wants to make you as his mommy and that's why he asked you to be his mommy so that he can bring both of you together....

Prem chuckled by hearing that his little cutie pie was using his brain in bringing them together and blushed too by hearing the 'mommy' word...... Prem and Kao were now discussing the whole plan.....

Finally... Now the plan begins... All the best to my BounPrem❤❤❤.....

I hope that all my lovely readers are enjoying it🥰🥰
Let's see what happens next😏..

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