Unexpected Morning

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Guys don't curse me after reading this chapter.......😣😞

The rays of sunlight through the window made Prem awake. Right after waking up his body was sore his lower body was hurting like hell.... Then he remembered the last night their make out session 🥰.... It was such a beautiful night full of pleasure (blushed)..but he became worried when he didn't see Boun in the room.He searched for him in the bathroom, kitchen, hall but he was found to be nowhere.. He became tensed, then he called him but the phone was busy.

As he sat on the sofa he saw a sticky note with a glass of warm milk...and written "I have some work to do so I am leaving.. Drink warm milk also have some painkillers...Bye ~Hia"

Prem felt a bit sad because it was Sunday and after such a sweet night he wanted to cuddle with his hia... Spend some time with him.. But... he was alone in the house now... Then he tried to divert his mind and took a shower... After the shower he ate the food kept in fridge.. He went to his study room sat on his chair and started painting something..... After two hours the painting was finished... It was a beautiful soothing painting of Boun's wing tattoo that he had at his back.

While he was staring at the picture, tears filled his eyes

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While he was staring at the picture, tears filled his eyes. He couldn't believe that in such a short time someone made him feel so special, lovable,gave him so much happiness, care that he was longing for.

Time passed by, it was almost lunch. He thought of calling Boun to ask for lunch. But as usual the phone was busy. He texted him but was there was no reply at all.. He waited for a long time... He started  feeling insecure, hurt. His mind was full of negative thoughts. He couldn't help but started crying very hard hugging his knees while he was sitting on the bed and kept saying -"Why are you ignoring me Hia? Why are you not with me? Was I not good enough for you? I need you so much... I need your care and love hia. Why did you leave me all alone here? Where are you, Don't you need me any more?? Come to me please Hia.... (His voice cracked)

He cried for many hours, his eyes we're red swollen, his body was paining and had no energy to make food at all. So he just took out the packaged food that he had bought the other day... heated it up ate the food and went to his bed and soon feel asleep...

After he woke up,next morning. He found that he almost fell asleep for more that many hours. . . Soon he hurried to take shower and ran to the bus stop for the school... While sitting at his seat he kept thinking of the reasons that Boun ignored him because already one day passed but he didn't even text back... neither asked him about his body pain.... His thoughts were ended as he entered the school... He directly went to his classroom, all the kids greeted him and he also greeted them back without a smile... These was noticed by Leon but he didn't think much... After the class, Prem went to the staffroom and was scrolling his phone while buried in his thoughts. When he came back to his senses he noticed that all the teachers were staring at him..

Pharm:What happened to your eyes? It's swollen. Did you cry Prem??

Manaow:What the hell happened to you Prem?? Who did this to you, tell me... I am gonna kill that man.

Del:The day before yesterday you rushed back. Is everything alright Prem??

Alex:Tell us Prem, we are your friends, we will help you. Just share with us, hmm.

Prem didn't say anything but burst into tears by seeing their concern. No one asked anything after seeing Prem's condition they just tried to calm him down. Principal gave him a half day and asked him to take enough rest. While he was leaving for home, he saw Hia talking to Leon near the gate....

Sorry guys it's a short chapter.... I hope that I don't hate me after reading  this chapter ....

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