He is the one...

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Prem ,Leon, Fiat,Kao, Earth and aunty are waiting for Boun to come at the site,Prem was looking at the decorations, when he suddenly felt an embrace but he immediately recognised by the scent that it wasn't Boun so he turn around immediately and it was David with a smirk on his face. He pushed David back.

David:Ohh c'mon Prem you are no fun at all. Why are you scared of me? I am just like Boun, you can hug me (with a devil smile)

Prem: "I really wanna punch his face so much"(he thought in his mind) . Firstly, I am not scared of you... And secondly, you are not Boun. By the way, the party is gonna start soon. You better change your clothes.....

David:You really are very interesting... No doubt my little brother fell for you so deep....

Prem just rolled his eyes and gave a sharp glare to David, who kept on smiling....

David:Are you so excited to see my body that you are asking me to change. Just admit the fact that you wanna see my hot body.... I will happily show it to you only...(the last sentence were mere like a whisper)

Prem:hahahah.....you are so funny David... (trying to irritate David...although deep inside he is praying that Boun comes to save him.....because right now he is alone with David, rest all are on the other side of the pool)

David:What's so funny? (asked in a cold tune)

Prem:Because you are calling yourself hot....hahaha....that means you have never seen my husband....OMG,my husband......Ahhh....even remembering his body makes me feel hot🥵. Sorry to break your ego, but you are nothing near him(smirk)

Boun:Really baby. Then we can skip this party and go to our bedroom directly I am ever ready for you bun.

David:I will go and change my clothes brother....

Prem:(cheeks turned crimson red)... Shut up hia... Happy birthday once again... Do you like the decorations hubby.

Boun:Of course I like both the decorations and the decorator. How am I looking??

Prem:Hot as fuck babee(winked)

Boun's heart skipped a beat after hearing those words..... He thought to himself "Ahhh I can't handle so much.....bun you are going to be the reason of my death. "Because just his love's voice made him feel giddy inside his stomach...

Kao:Enough if this romance..... I can't bear it... Where is my baby....

All of them started laughing. But suddenly Boun hugged Prem and asked "Did he do anything to you baby", "No he didn't ,don't worry....you just stay with me ,okay "by saying this words Prem attached his lips to his own into a deep kiss but pulled away by hearing the giggles of the kids,the kids and aunty came with the cake.....

(Avoid the background 😂)

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(Avoid the background 😂)

Earth:Let's cut the cake fast, birthday boy. It's so tempting... I wanna eat it soon...

Kao:More than me baby.... (said in a seductive way)

Earth:Just shut up you idiot...Please everyone ignore my husband.... He is not in his right mind..

Kao whinned like a kid whose favorite candy has been taken away. Everyone laughed at the bickering couple. Boun cut the cake together by holding both Leon's and Prem's hand. Then after feeding everyone cake he pulled Prem close to his chest and whispered in his ear "Thank you so much baby fir making by birthday so special".Everyone 'oooo' at the couple. Later everyone were enjoying their drinks, cake and food. Suddenly, David came up to them...

David:You all cut the cake without me, so bad

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David:You all cut the cake without me, so bad....

Aunt:David this one is for you(bringing over the cake towards him)

David:Hey, you old woman, Why are you still here. It's a pool party for family members, servants are not allowed here. Go from here. And yes don't you dare call me by my name.... It's Sir for you.

Aunt:Sorry sir. (sadly looking down).Boun sir then I'll take my leave.

Boun:Wait aunt, I am your Boun. It's my birthday and you are my family too. So stay here. You all are my family except for this man... (pointing towards David)

David:Did you insult me in front of everyone just because of this maid.... How dare you Boun?? (gritted his teeth in anger)

Boun:Shut up.. Don't you dare insult her. OR. ELSE. I. WILL. KILL. YOU. B******.

David flinched by hearing the dangerous voice of Boun..... He knows that in front of Boun's anger he will not be able to fight.... Before any of ine could speak anything. They all heard Prem's scream.... Boun turned to see his baby's whole body was shaking in fear. He hugged him and tried to keep him calm. But nothing worked, Prem kept on mumbling something....

"H-he....i-is....the.....one ....h-hia"
(pointing towards David)

"Who is he baby, say properly? " Boun asked confused by Prem's words....

"T-the m... m-murderer..... He is the murderer, hia...... " Prem said


Guys, so finally the murderer.... What do you think?? What will happen to David??? Will he get his deserved punishment??

I hope that all my precious readers are enjoying this book💗💖.... But sad to say that the end is near....Say how you like it.... And vote for it 😊🥰

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