Why you broke my heart?

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Prem immediately ran towards Boun and his eyes we're full of tears....

Prem:Hia, Where were you yesterday??
Why are you here now??

Boun:I came to give Leon his lunch box... He forgot to bring it... Yesterday I was busy... With some work. (noticed the tears in the red, swollen, beautiful doe eyes)

Prem:Hia, I missed you so much yesterday... I texted you but you ignored me, why... After the night you suddenly disappeared and... (Before he could speak anything, Boun interrupted him )

Boun:Sorry Prem. I guess you have a misunderstanding. That night was really a big mistake. I hope you forget it. Right now I am busy. Bye.

Tears rolled down his cheeks by seeing his hia's changed attitude. He hold fast onto Boun's hand tightly.

Prem:What are you saying, phi? I love you and I know that you also love me... We had such sweet moments together.. How could you tell me forget all those?How could you even say it as a mistake?Why are you behaving in this way? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me, I will correct it, but please don't break me in this way.... I can't bear to lose you... Please hia. It's hurting me, right here (pointing towards his chest)

Boun removed his hands from Prem's grip harshly

Boun:I am sorry Prem for giving you false hopes. But I never told you that I love you. I just wanted you to be by my son's side. I never thought you will misunderstand it. That night was a mistake.. I was wrong... I just went with the flow and couldn't control myself.... I am really sorry.

Boun:I think I have cleared up all your misunderstandings. I'll leave then. Bye

After hearing Boun's words, Prem felt disgusted over himself, at his Hia. He felt that he made the worst decision by trusting a cold rude jerk... His heart was shattered.. he couldn't think of anything at all. He didn't even look towards Boun and started running towards the bus stop, his whole life seemed to be upside down, his tears were not stopping at all, he couldn't see the road clearly.... He started to see everything blur... and then everything went black.

When he woke up he found himself lying in a hospital bed. He still couldn't believe that his hia told him such harsh words...He didn't notice that tears started to roll down his cheeks. Then he thought that he might have passed out at the road itself then who brought him here.... After some time the doctor entered the room along with the nurse and some medicines in their hand.

Doctor:Sir, are you feeling better? You can take rest now. You can get discharge tomorrow morning. So you can take rest. If you need anything then you can call for a nurse. Don't stress yourself.

Prem:Doctor who brought me here? I wanted to thank that person.

Doctor:Umm... He already left.. He just paid your medical expenses and told me to inform you to take care of yourself.. I don't know the person.

Prem for a second thought if 'could it be Boun' and then immediately shook his head and thought to himself that... It could never be Boun. He wanted to thank the person who helped him and also... He was very angry and wanted to slap his hia for making him suffer so much.... But he couldn't because he loved him so much.

At night, while he was asleep. Someone pecked his lips. He opened his eyes and saw Boun... He was shocked, confused to see him...Boun put his fingers on his lips not allowing him to talk and whispered in his ears "Don't talk much, just sleep okay baby.... I love you" patted his head and made him sleep.

Suddenly Prem was awake bye the nurse's call . Prem sighed sadly because he realized that this was all his dream, how could Boun be here? He didn't even know that he was there...

Was it really a dream? Or something else..... Guys wait for the next update... Let's see what happens next... Whether it was really a dream... Or Boun was present there.... 🥰🥰

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