He is a Monster

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That night, Leon wanted to sleep with his dada and mommy and who were they to refuse to their sweetheart.... Soon he jumped into Prem's lap, who was sitting on the bed , and started giving his lots of kisses. Honestly Prem loved his baby's kisses. Whereas on the other side, Boun sadly wiped his fake tears and said 'No one loves his dada now.... I am so sad... I need a new son who will love me and give me kisses'. Hearing this Leon jumped to sit on Boun's lap and said to him while kissing 'No dada, Leon loves you a lot too...but a little less than mommy' the couple cooed at their son's cuteness. Leon, who used to act like an adult..after their marriage acted more like a kid of his age which relived Boun a lot.

Prem slept cuddling both his babies.... Soon they slept soundly unaware of the outside world. Next morning he woke up early did his morning routine and since it was Sunday he decided to make pancakes for his sweethearts, and went to the the kitchen leaving both son and dad to rest for some more time.. While he was preparing to make pancakes, Aunt offered him a hand but he sweetly denied telling that he wanted to make it by his own, so she let him be and took a seat near the kitchen counter. While they were talking about the other two person and laughing. Suddenly Prem remembered the last night things and he thought of asking her as Boun was also not present.

Prem:Auntie, I wanted to know something about Boun's cousin,David.

He didn't fail to notice the smiling face suddenly fall by hearing the name...

Aunt:He is a nice person,Prem. Why did you ask, son?? (showing a fake smile)

Prem:Yesterday I saw your and Leon's face turned sad as soon as David's name popped out. It seems like both of you didn't like him much.

Aunt:Nothing like that son, don't overthink.....c'mom let's make the pancakes (changing the topic) soon they will wake up and start disturbing you...

Prem:Don't worry auntie, they are still sleeping and the pancakes will be ready in a few minutes...but please tell me about it. I feel like there is something wrong with that guy....so please tell me if you think me as a family. I need to know.....

Aunt:Okay fine, but you won't tell this to Boun....David is a devil who is just wearing a mask of an angel and shows himself to be perfect in the eyes of Boun and his brother....but actually he was a monster....He returned home after Leon's birth and I noticed that his way of approach towards Mrs.Noppanut (Leon's biological mother)was very odd.....he tried to touch her in dirty ways and she was very bold and always refused him with a stern face but still he didn't stop with his dirty tricks anyways it just increase day after day....she shared with me all the things and cried near me I felt like crying too, but I couldn't say this to Boun or his brother because for them David was the best brother or cousin just like an angel....

Prem: (his blood was boiling after hearing this but calmed himself down so that he can hear everything) Why didn't she share this with his husband?? He would have trusted her...

Aunt:Yes, she could have told her husband but she knew that this is create a big dispute between the brothers and she didn't want that....she thought of shifting away from this mansion along with Leon and her husband with an excuse that she wanted to have some privacy with her small family..... In that way she would be safe and also there won't be any fight between the brothers.... She was really a nice person... And loved her family wholeheartedly.... She was one to make this mansion like a home... But after her death, it again changed to a emotionless mansion, until you stepped in this mansion,Prem.... You made it a home again....

Prem:Did Leon's father agree to the shifting? What happened to Leon then??
Why was he so sad yesterday? (he was inpatient and wanted to know everything clearly).

Aunt:She decided to discuss the matter with her husband after he returns from work. But then she received a call from her husband that he won't be back that night....but she was firm that as soon as he returns the next day she will talk to him. She went to her bedroom but suddenly someone gave her a back hug she was stunned to see David and instantly slapped him for his dirty behaviour. But that devil (and started crying) tried to harass her and was suddenly hit by something when he turned back to see, it was Leon, that small kid threw his ball towards his uncle's head to save his mom...He was successful in saving her, as David left the room.... But actually that little kid went into a shock, he could not understand what he saw.....his mom tried to calm him down so that he can cry but he did not, rather became silent and turn into the Leon that you saw in the school first time....he started talking less to everyone, panicked whenever he saw David... Everyone except David and his mother became tensed of why Leon became like this, because no one knew the real reason.....

Prem:So my little baby was hurt by that bastard (face turned red, his blood was boiling with anger) How could he do this to his own sister-in-law? Dirty scumbag, f*# ass*#........ After that what happened (he tried to calm himself down)

Aunt:Leon's mother decided to go on a trip with her family except for David, to make Leon happy and feel better.She thought that after returning she will tell his husband and Boun,everything about David and the reason why Leon turned like this....but....(her voice cracked) on returning day, unfortunately they met with an accident, they died, only Boun and Leon survived.....after some days of their death as Boun woke up from coma , David left for London....so nothing about David's dirty deeds were ever revealed....and remained as a secret forever between me and her......
Why did you never shared with me all these years aunt??......

So guys... This David is a bastard😑😑
...... What do you think will he get the punishment that he deserves????

I hope that you like this chapter.... Don't forget to vote for it my lovely readers💕🥰....

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