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Guys I hope this chapter can satisfy you... Although it's a short chapter🥰


Boun's POV

I was near the school gate giving Leon his tiffin. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him coming towards me. His eyes we're red swollen and full of tears. I knew the reason behind those tears was me. I wanted to wipe it out and hug him tightly and keep him forever in my arms.... But I controlled my emotions and masked up a cold face, spitted out nonsense things just to make him believe that I don't have feelings for him (although I only loved him) and make him move on from me, to forget me.... But I can never forget him... Never move on from him... I have loved him wholeheartedly....

As I was about to leave after hurting him, I saw him running away towards the bus stop... I was just watching the figure running.... Suddenly he stopped and passed out. That was the time when I felt like punching myself so hard. How could I be so cruel? How could God be so cruel? God has put me in such a situation that I am knowingly hurting my Prem .

I immediately ran to him, carried him to the car laid him down near me and took him to the hospital. After checking him the doctor said that he has not been eating well that's why his body is weak... I felt sad because I was the reason of his pain.... After that I asked the doctor to not tell him that I was the one who brought him here. Doctor nodded and went back. I was sitting beside him while he was asleep. I just wanted to hug him, I missed his hugs, kisses. The way he he calls me 'Hia'..everything.... God please make sure that he is happy and safe.

At night I just pecked his cheeks, because they had been distracting me since first (smirk) but he suddenly woke up, he was fully confused..he frowned.. I just said some lovely sweet words and made him sleep... And ran away... Later I was watching him from the window when the nurse came to wake him up.. I looked at him he was sighing sadly then I understood that he might have thought it to be a dream.... Awwww my babyyyyy it wasn't a dream🥰

Present time

Boun is sitting in his chair and watching the pictures of Prem that he took in the hospital while he was asleep. His eyes were full of tears. He can't help it because he loved Prem a lot but in order to move him away from him, he was hurting his own Prem. He was very confused because on one side he has promised Leon that he will bring Prem into the family as soon as possible... But in the other side the past made him make the opposite thing... He can't even tell Prem or else he will leave them and go away.

While he was buried in his thoughts... Kao barged into the cabin and was shocked to see Boun in this state.

Kao:Boun, what's wrong with you? I have been noticing since few days you are very sad... A week before you were so happy with your Prem... And now you what happened? Did you confess him? Did he reject you?? Say me for God's sake you dumb.. (Kao already knew about Boun's feelings towards Prem)

Boun:No, nothing like that. It's just I don't deserve him. I did a sin and now God is giving me a punishment. I need to accept it. (Looking down and sighed heavily)

Kao:Say it clearly Boun. I don't understand what you are trying to say. What do you mean by sin, punishment?? Just spit it out clearly you fucker*

Boun:Shut up and leave me alone(slammed his hands on the table and gave a death glare to Kao)

Kao understood that it's useless to talk to him. So he just left the cabin but he can't see his friend in this state. So he decided to talk to Prem about Boun's feelings. At this moment he might seem like an intruder but for his friend's love and happiness he needs to do this. He left for the school, when he reached he saw that Leon and Prem were hugging each other and talking about something... He immediately got an idea... He thought that only one person can make both of them together... It's LEON....

Guys, Kao is such a good friend

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Guys, Kao is such a good friend... I hope his idea works.... All the best to BounPrem.... If you like the chapter... Just vote for it🥰❤❤...

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