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Good morning guys... I will be busy tomorrow so today itself I am writing the next update... 😚😚 I hope you will like this chapter🥰🥰

Kao talked to Boun about bringing him to their after the school he brought Leon and fiat to their home. Their house was not that big like a mansion but a luxurious house, sweet and homie type.

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They were welcomed by Earth, with kisses and hugs

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They were welcomed by Earth, with kisses and hugs... As they walked into the house, Earth offered them water and asked them to sit in the sofa... While he was preparing the lunch for them

 While he was preparing the lunch for them

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Earth:Three of you sit here and enjoy... The food will be ready soon

Kao:Okay my sweetheart (both the kids giggled) Please do it fast na baby... I am really hungry.

Earth chuckled by hearing his husband's words and then went to the kitchen. Seeing all these sweet talks, cozy feeling made Leon emotional. He also wanted to have a happy family with his cutie sir and his dad. Kao noticed the tears in Leon's eyes...

Kao:Baby, do you want to have Prem as your mommy??

Leon:(he was startled by Kao's sudden question) umm.... Yes, uncle. I really like Cutie sir and want him as my mommy . Even Boun loves Cutie sir a lot

Kao:But the problem is that both of them are ignoring each other since few weeks, although they have feelings for each other. If this continues then you will lose your Cutie sir... So we need to get them together...

Leon:No never. I can't lose him... We need to think about something... Wait uncle let me think. (Putting his index finger on his forehead... Then started rubbing his temple?)

Kao giggled looking at the expression and body language of Leon.... It was just like Boun when he is nervous 😂😂... Son is same like his father... He knew that only this little kid can bring them together... Or else foolish Boun will lise his love due to some fucking sin.

Kao:Did you get any idea dear?

Leon:Yes(smirk) I got it... Now no one can stop me from making Cutie sir as my mommy(started giggling)

Kao too laughed by the sound of giggles of the babies. After lunch three of them discussed the plan and decided to execute it by this month itself.Kao was happy that his friend will soon get his love back...

At Prem's flat

Prem's POV

I was lying on my bed hugging a pillow...and tears were non stop flowing from my eyes... I didn't even care to stop it or rub it away. I was broken... My heart was shattered into pieces. I can't believe that my His actually broke my heart, whom I trusted the most... He actually had no feelings for me... Then what was al those.... The hugs, the warmth that he gave me, the kisses, the way he cared for me and gave me such a great night... Were all those things fake... His all care was fake. But suddenly why? What happened? My voices started to crack, it trembled. I could not bear anymore. I cried out loud for many hours and begged God to give me my Hia back...

Many days passed by but still I can't get over my pain... I need to be strong so that my parents up there with God will be proud of me. I was tired of all these shits. I just wanted to go back to him hug him and kiss him... But the reality shattered me. Soon I dozed off in my bed. When I woke up it was already 7:20.... I can't believe that I slept for so long.. I ran to take a shower, got ready, ate my breakfast and left for the school, leaving behind all the sorrow....

Will the plan of Leon work??Let's see will the kid be successful in bringing then together....

🌸🥀All the best to BounPrem ❤🌸🥀

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