Chapter 3

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That next morning after, Fengjiu finished getting Prince Ling ready she went to the kitchens to prepare her cakes. She loved making her cakes for people. She took the ingredients that she had gotten from Si Ming and focused on making cakes.

Hours later, she felt very exhausted. She had made about 200 cakes. After she handed the cakes over, she went to bathe and put on a clean dress.

Prince Ling and the Emperor were sitting and talking. A maid came to Prince Ling and whispered in his ear that the cakes were ready. Prince Ling turned to his father. "Happy Birthday, Emperor Father. I have a present for you. My personal assistant, Lady Fengjiu is very good at making cakes and I decided to have her make them for us. She said it was a delicacy from her home town. You are in for a real treat, in I know you will love them."

The Emperor laughed, "Well I do like cakes. Lady Fengjiu, you seem to be good at many things. Enough to impress my son. This is really making me see you in a new light."

Fengjiu just smiled, she didn't expect to be praise, she just wanted Prince Ling to look good. She replied, "Prince Ling is very good at pushing people to do their best."

The Emperor smiled at his son Prince Ling, and the maids started to bring in her cakes. She noticed they were on different plates. She thought to herself, 'Maybe they didn't like the kind I chose?' Then she waited to see what everyone thought of her cakes.

"They look so good

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"They look so good. I have never seen a cake look like a flower before." The Emperor exclaimed, excited to try it.

A Eunuch of the Emperor walked over to their table. "Informing Your Majesty and Prince Ling, based on usual practice, I must first taste the food that is to be served to you both."

"Of course," Prince Ling teased while smiling. "But control yourself and don't eat them all." Everyone laughed even Fengjiu.

The Eunuch cut a piece of one of the cakes and put some in his mouth and looked shocked. "This Carefree cake is so delicious!" Prince Ling smiled as the Eunuch started to bring a plate for the Emperor and Princes to all eat. As he was about to hand over the plate he started to shake and everyone looked in horror as he collapsed to the ground.

"What is going on? Royal Physician! Where is the Royal Physician?" The Emperor yelled.

"I am here!" The Physician ran to the collapsed Eunuch and he went to look him over and a minute later he bowed to the Emperor and Princes. He reported, "Informing Your Majesty and Royal family, Chief Eunuch died of poison. It is a rare kind of lethal poison!"

"Poison?" Prince Ling questioned, and he thought to himself, 'How is this possible? Fengjiu would never do this. She was a good person.'  He felt so confused.

"Could it be...this Carefree Cake?" The Emperor asked angrily. "Quickly test it."

The physician carefully used the needle inside the cake that the Eunuch had bitten into, he gasped as he looked at the needle. "This Carefree Cake indeed has poison in it!"

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