Chapter 18

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Dong Hua woke up and looked around, he was back in the Nine Heavens. Flashes go through his head of his time in the mortal realm. He clutched his chest as he remembered all the painful things. The feeling of his father dying, when he found out that Fengjiu killed his father, when he assumed Fengjiu tried to have him killed, then more painful when he found out that it had all been a lie.

Logically, Dong Hua knew it was orchestrated by Si Ming

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Logically, Dong Hua knew it was orchestrated by Si Ming. He was deep in his thoughts when Si Ming appeared at his door. "Dijun."

"Come in," Dong Hua instructed, his voice muffled because his physical body hadn't spoken in many days.

"Come in," Dong Hua instructed, his voice muffled because his physical body hadn't spoken in many days

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"Are you feeling alright? I checked and you should have all your magic back," Si Ming stated.

Dong Hua felt more powerful than he had in a long time. "Yes,  I have my full magic back."

Si Ming nodded. "I sent the Young Highness home to Qing Qiu. I figured you'd want it that way."

"Yes. It is for the best," he replied.

"Is there anything you needed to ask?" Si Ming asked Dijun.

Dong Hua thought back to the Ex Chief Advisor and how they had disappeared after he stabbed him. He asked, "Yes, First, Why did Fengjiu leave so early? I remember telling you I wanted at least 10 years with her. Secondly, What was Winged Tribe members doing in my mortal trial?"

"I had to make Fengjiu leave earlier than expected, because your trial was becoming unstable. This was your first trial, and I think because you are a different kind of immortal, and I can't control your trial as much," Si Ming explained sadly. "Also, when I found out Winged Tribe members were trying to make you fail your mortal trial I had to take action. I knew I could use the infiltrator to make the trial become successful," he admitted.

"Explain to me what happened with the Winged Tribe member that was an advisor," Dong Hua commanded.

"When you went to stab him. I teleported myself, Fengjiu and him back to the Nine Heavens. He was trying to become a full member of The Winged Tribe and serve under Qing Cang. Heavenly Monarch had him executed," Si Ming told him.

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