Chapter 20

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When Fengjiu woke up that morning. She knew it was time to accept the truth. 'Dijun didn't love me. To him I was just a child, and an amusing one at that.' She cringed at how she had embarrassed herself. 'Of course Dijun wouldn't love her...he was older and more experienced.' She wished she could call upon the Goddess of Fate and tell her that it was useless now, and that he didn't love her.

Fengjiu spent the next few days with Ah Li. Ah Li could tell she was sad and tried to cheer her up. She did find herself slightly smiling at Ah Li, he was a good boy. 'I will always protect this little boy,' she thought to herself.

Fengjiu knew she would never have children, because Foxes mated for life. Ah Li would be the closest that she could have.

Fengjiu got a message from Mi Gu later and it said for her to get to Qing Qiu and fast. Fengjiu made sure Ah Li had someone to watch over him and quickly materialized in Qing Qiu. Mi Gu was waiting outside for her. "Hurry inside!" Mi Gu said anxiously. "Aunt is drinking so much. I wouldn't have bothered you but she has been doing this for 2 days straight. She won't stop and I'm worried about her."

Fengjiu quickly walked to her Aunts room and saw her surrounded by a bunch of empty jars. She could see from the look on her Aunt's face that she was very drunk. Fengjiu walked over to her. "Aunt."

Her Aunt then looked like she was about to fall over and Fengjiu quickly steadied her. Her Aunt said, "Fengjiu is here...Did you know I asked Ye Hua a few days ago if he knew me, and he said that he didn't." Fengjiu had no idea what her Aunt was talking about, but she let her keep talking. She continued, "Subsequently, he brought another woman home after a few days."

"Aunt, His Highness the Crown Prince drank the water of Forgetfulness. It's a given that he doesn't remember you," Fengjiu replied.

"He doesn't remember me?" Her Aunt said sarcastically. " Do you know the woman he took in looks exactly like Ah Li's mother? You knew Su Su too."

"When I was in heavenly-" Fengjiu tried to say, when her Aunt cut her off.

"Don't say anymore. I don't want to hear it," Her Aunt said frustrated. Then she got up and stumbled, Fengjiu tried to help her. Her Aunt continued with a laugh. "I'm so stupid. He can't let go of someone else, not me. I know he loves that woman more deeply than me."

Fengjiu listened with a heavy heart as her Aunt looked so lost. She had been hoping things would go smooth for them. She had thought at least Fate would be merciful to her Aunt, Ye Hua and little Ah Li.

"Perhaps it's because I look like his first wife when my eyes were covered. That's why he fell in love with me, Fengjiu," Her Aunt explained with a single tear leaving her eye.

"Aunt, Why don't you wait till His Highness the Crown Prince is back and ask him in person? If he really regards you as a substitute, we can cancel the engagement," she tried to reason. Her Aunt started to walk away. She said, "Aunt, my heart breaks for you. Do you want my company? We can chat."

"Don't say anymore! Don't say anything anymore!" Her Aunt shouted. "Leave."

Fengjiu nodded and left with sadness. She didn't know what she could do to help her Aunt. She decided to sit outside her Aunt's door till she was needed. She fell asleep and suddenly heard a loud thump from her Aunt's room. She ran inside and saw her Aunt on the ground. Fengjiu helped her up. "Aunt. What happened? did you have a nightmare?"

Her Aunt started to break down crying. She was shocked, as she had never seen her Aunt break down before. Fengjiu quickly gathered her in her arms and waited for her to cry it out. When her Aunt passed out from crying, Fengjiu went to warm up some water for her. She came back with hot water and a handkerchief, and brought it to her Aunt. "Aunt, let's wash your face."

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