Chapter 19

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Over the next few days Fengjiu practiced magic and sword fighting all day with her father and Uncles, then at night she would go to the Western Sea where he Aunt was and stay with her for a couple hours. Her Aunt taught her a few magic spells as well.

She hardly had time to feel sad about Dijun. She liked being this busy, because it helped her not think of him as much.

Both Fengjiu and her Aunt found out that Ye Hua had used all of his cultivation just to help wake up Mo Yuan for her Aunt. Fengjiu thought it was incredibly sweet, but her Aunt was worried about his health, so she immediately fled to the Nine Heavens. She decided to go with her and bond with her new little cousin that would become her Aunt's stepson. When she entered the Heavens again it felt surreal, because everything was different now. She was different from the naive girl who came to the heavens to repay Dong Hua Dijun.

Fengjiu and her Aunt materialized at Ye Hua's rooms. She knew her Aunt would need time alone with Ye Hua. Fengjiu told her that she would go play with the little boy. Her Aunt quickly told one of the maids to take Fengjiu to Ah Li.

She felt nervous meeting Ah Li and hoped he would like her. From what she had heard from everyone in the family, her Aunt had taken a real liking to him and he even called her mother. Any of Aunt's children would always be like a sibling to Fengjiu.

The maid led her to a room where she saw a little boy writing. She was pretty good with children so she hoped that worked for her. The maid announced, "Imperial Princess Bai Fengjiu is here to see Prince Ah Li."

The little boy looked up from his scrolls and stared at her curiously. "Mother told me about you, but why haven't I seen you before in the fox den?"

Fengjiu smiled and went to sit down beside him. She explained, "I was incredibly busy at the time, but when I heard from my Aunt that I was getting a new family member, that I had to come and get to know you."

Ah Li smiled and told her, "Aunt said you are very playful and good at making food."

Fengjiu laughed. "Yea I am. Maybe I can make you some cakes!"

Ah Li looked excited and put down his writing stuff. "I like cakes."

An hour later, when they were cooking cakes Fengjiu was telling Ah Li all about her Aunt and their adventures. "You know, my Aunt- uh- your mother raised me. She was like a mother to me."

Ah Li looked at her with wide eyes. "Doesn't that make you my sister?"

"You know what? It does," Fengjiu admitted with a smile.

"May I call you Sister Fengjiu?" Ah Li asked hesitantly.

"Of course you can!" Fengjiu exclaimed. Ah Li jumped around excited as she finished decorating the cakes.

Dong Hua was sipping his tea and reading to keep his mind occupied. Lian Song walked in as he always did without knocking. He said, "I heard that Monarch Bai Qian and Imperial Princess Bai Fengjiu is here in the heavens."

This got Dong Hua's attention. "What? Why are they here?" He had thought it would be a while before he saw her again.

"Well I figured I'd tell you this because Fengjiu was the Princess who followed you around for a bit." Lian Song smirked. When Dong Hua glared at him, he continued, "Alright! Jeez. Well from what I heard Crown Prince nearly lost his life going to Yingzhou of The Eastern Sea. He fought the four beasts that have half the magical power of Father God, to destroy the fungal grass that they were guarding."

Dong Hua nodded. "That was brave. He did that all just to destroy the fungal grass. Even I decided long ago not to bother the beasts. It is a waste of time because most immortals die before they can get the fungal grass anyway. To me it seems he had another purpose."

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