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Epilogue: a few months later

A crown was placed on Fengjiu's head and everyone in Qing Qiu bowed. It was her coronation. She was now Monarchess of the Western Wildernesses. She had ascended to High Immortal just a few days after her and Dong Hua got back together, and her family knew it was the right time to make her a Monarchess.

She looked to the side and saw Dong Hua in White robes. He smiled and winked at her.

 He smiled and winked at her

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Fengjiu was presented with many gifts from her realm,   The Winged Tribe, and the Nine Heavens

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Fengjiu was presented with many gifts from her realm, The Winged Tribe, and the Nine Heavens.

She saw Si Ming materialized along with a group that worked for Dong Hua. He stated, "I, Star Monarch Si Ming, the subordinate of Dong Hua Dijun, congratulate you the Monarch of Qing Qiu on being crowned. This is a gift from Dong Hua Dijun. It is a map of all Four Seas and Eight Far Lands, hand drawn by him." He extended his hands to show the box.

Everyone around was gasping because no one had ever been allowed to see this map, not even Heavenly Monarch. This item was invaluable.

She smiled at him and replied, "Star Monarch, thank you for coming." Then she turned to Dong Hua and stated, "Bai Fengjiu of Qing Qiu thanks Dong Hua Dijun for his gift. I hope Qing Qiu can continue to be friends with the Heavenly Tribe for many generations and be a blessing to the people."

When the ceremony ended Dong Hua walked up to her and used magic to summon her favorite blue flowers. He teased, "Empress Fengjiu."

Fengjiu laughed and took the flowers from his hand and kissed his cheek. Then she took his other hand into hers. They walked together away from the large crowd. He asked, "Dong Hua Dijun? huh?"

Fengjiu knew that for the past few months he had been trying to get her to say Dong Hua instead of Dijun. She told him, "It was a ceremony. I couldn't be impolite."

"Fine. You get a pass this time," he replied and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He pulled her into his arms and he materialized them into Zhe Yan's peach blossom forest.

She asked, "What are we doing here?"

Dong Hua rested his hand on her cheek and she nuzzled it like she always does. "I know I asked too soon after you forgave me, but I want to ask again. Empress Bai Fengjiu, will you become my Dihou?" he asked.

Fengjiu looked into his eyes and saw pure love. She had been telling him that she wasn't ready for months because she needed to make sure that she was who he truly wanted. Fengjiu now felt it was the right time. She replied, "Yes."

Dong Hua's eyes went wide. "Yes?"

"Yes," she answered with a laugh.

He picked her up into his arms and passionately kissed her and pushed her against one of the Peach Blossom trees.

"I'll love you forever," Dong Hua promised and stroked her face.

"I'll love you forever." Fengjiu repeated.

They made love under the falling petals from the peach blossoms.

In another realm far away Goddess of Fate was watching over this scene. She smiled and said, "I'm so good at my job."

The End

(A/N Thank you guys all for reading the story! I hope it was fun for you as it was for me!)



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