Chapter 16

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In the morning when Fengjiu woke up she knew it was time for her to go back to the immortal realms. She put on a red dress and quickly did her hair without any extravagant pins. Si Ming appeared and then said the dreaded words, "It's time."

He brought Fengjiu in invisible form with him so that they could finish setting things up.

Emperor Ling woke up and saw that Jiu'er was not by his side. He had no idea why he felt so much anxiety suddenly, but it truly felt like something bad was going to happen today. He shook his head. 'I must be going crazy.' He noticed that she wasn't in the kitchen or in his study. 'Where did she go?'

After he got dressed, and he walked out of the palace. He saw Mu Yun watering plants. He walked up to her and asked, "Mu Yun, Do you know where my wife is?"

Mu Yun got to her knees and bowed. "Greetings Emperor. I am sorry. I have not seen The Empress this morning. I usually do her hair in the mornings but she was gone by the time I got to your rooms." She had a pondering look on her face. "She might be at the marketplace."

"Rise," he told Mu Yun. "When she comes back tell her to come see me. I need to talk to her about going off alone." He shook his head. "Just a few months ago we were attacked and she needs to not go off alone." Mu Yun nodded and went back to her work when Emperor Ling dismissed her.

He sighed, and sent off some of his guards to look for her. He was sure she was alright because  the marketplace was heavily guarded due to his instruction. Though for her safety it was best to be behind the palace walls.

Seventh Prince walked up to Emperor Ling. He bowed and greeted, "Emperor."

Emperor Ling smiled at his brother. "Is the meeting about to start?"

Seventh Prince looked at him with an expression that was concerned. He asked, "What is going on? Why do you have that expression?" He wondered, 'Why does he look so sad?'

Seventh Prince sighed. "Follow me, Your Majesty."

Emperor Ling followed alongside him. He asked, "Can't you just tell me what's going on?" He then noticed they were walking towards his older palace from when he had been a prince.

"You won't believe me unless I show you," Seventh Prince told him truthfully. The Emperor saw that his brother was really seemed to be struggling to tell him what was going on. Then he said, "You told me a couple days ago to get have the maids dust your rooms in your old palace. I had a maid do all your rooms and The Empress's room."

Emperor Ling was even more confused now.  "Yes, I remember, but I don't see where this is going."

Seventh Prince waved the Emperor to come along inside Jiu'er's old room. They walked in and his brother was quiet for a while. He then picked up something that looked like a small bottle. He informed Emperor Ling, "A maid found a bottle of poison hidden inside her room."

" strange, but we can just ask her about it. Why is this so monumental?" The Emperor asked.

Seventh Prince looked even more sad as he handed Emperor Ling the bottle. "Brother, this poison is the exact one that killed father."

Emperor Ling slowly looked down at the poison. He started to shake his head. "Impossible. Impossible. She must have been set up. Jiu'er would never do this!"

Seventh Prince put a hand on Emperor Ling's shoulder. "I would have thought that too...if not for what I found next. Follow me." Seventh Prince immediate walked them to the prisons. Emperor Ling followed him numbly. He thought to himself, 'There was no way that Jiu'er did this... she had learned to like my father.' Seventh Prince brought them to a small room where a little maid that was dirty and looked afraid. He instructed the maid, "Tell Emperor Ling what you told me that happened on the day of the late Emperor's birthday."

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