Outtake: In the snow!

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This is a quick and fluffy scene!

*In the mortal realm during the year Fengjiu and Emperor Ling were married.*

Fengjiu woke up and felt warm arms wrapped around her. She smiled happily, loving the Emperor's arms around her. They had been married for 6 wonderful months now.

She silently got out of his arms. He groaned for a moment and fell back asleep. She sighed in relief.

She felt a huge chill in the air, so she quickly covered The Emperor with the blanket. Then she turned around and wrapped her fur robe around her. It was now winter in their kingdom.

Fengjiu had never experienced the cold or even snow. In the Immortal realm it always stayed the same, depending on your location. In the Nine Heavens it was constantly pleasant, and in Qing Qiu it was forever spring, at the oceans it was forever sunny and warm, at the deserts it was forever blazing hot. The snow places she had never had a chance to visit.

She walked over to the window and gasped loud. Then she covered her mouth. She hadn't meant to be so loud. She looked to see if The Emperor woke up, thankfully he didn't. She turned to look back outside, and it was covered with snow.

Fengjiu held in her inner shouting. She was so excited. She quickly got on her winter boots and mittens, and then she ran outside.

She giggled at seeing the thousands of tiny snowflakes dancing in the air. She twirled around and laughed again. 'This was better than I ever imagined.'

"What are you doing?" The Emperor asked.

Fengjiu jumped and looked over at him. "You scared me!" she laughed.

The Emperor playfully glared at her. "I woke up without my wife next to me. I was so cold!"

She ran over to him. "I'm sorry! I just got so excited. It's snow!" She pointed at the sky.

He laughed. "I still find it shocking that you've never experienced snow before."

"It just doesn't happen where I am from," she answered absentmindedly.

"Is it always hot there?" The Emperor asked, hoping to get any information he could about her home. 'I still feel that she was holding back and that there was so much more to learn about her.'

She nervously smiled. "Sort of." Then she tried to distract him. "Emperor look at all the snow! We should build a snowman!"

Emperor shook his head. "We should wrap you up more. I don't want you getting sick."

Fengjiu pouted. "I'm stronger than I look. It's hard for me to get sick." She couldn't tell him that as an Immortal it was very difficult to get sick.

"You are not invincible," he stated and then waved her inside.

She sighed and walked past him. She stuck her tongue out. "Spoil sport."

He laughed. "Put that tongue back in or it might freeze."

She gasped and put it back in and covered her mouth.

He burst out laughed. "I was joking."

She slapped his arm. "I'll get you back for that."

She ran inside and got properly covered in thick furs. Once she was finished she walked out of their room and saw the Emperor was dressed. He smiled and her and held out his hand. "Let's go have fun."

They ran out and started to build a snowman. It turned out very ugly with a lumpy head.

The Emperor said, "I hope our kids don't turn out this bad." He laughed hard.

Fengjiu glared at him. "Don't mock our first child! He is beautiful."

"Of course, my love," he replied, then he stared at the snow flowing in the air and smiled. 'This is the first time I have seen snow through Jiu'er's eyes.'

Suddenly, he felt something hit his side. He turned around and saw Jiu'er looked away and whistling.

He quickly picked up a snow ball and was about to toss it when it stopped in the air before it could get to her and she threw it at him. He glared. "You cheated."

"No....why would I ever do that?" she stated innocently.

"I'm going to get you now!" he shouted and ran at her with a giant smile on his face.

She started running fast and was giggling. They started tossing snow balls at each other and were laughing.

Suddenly, Fengjiu felt a snowball hit her from behind, but she saw The Emperor was in front of her. She turned around confused and saw Yue Mi.

Yue Mi tried to look innocent and Fengjiu ran at her.  "I'm going to get you!"

For the next few hours, they all three played in the snow and built more snowmen that Fengjiu claimed were their children.

Yue Mi had told them that she was able to come over because her Father was busy and she had wanted to play in the snow with someone.

Fengjiu was glad she had come to experience this day with them.

They let Yue Mi stay the night and Fengjiu made them all hot tea and cookies. They laughed and played for the rest of the night and fell asleep in the big warm bed together.

Fengjiu thought to herself on the edge of sleep, 'This was one of the best days ever.'

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