Chapter 4

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Over the next few days, Fengjiu saw how much effort Prince Ling was putting into gaining her trust again. He allowed her to have control over the garden and the way his personal palace was ran. He also had bought her dresses, fabric and jewels. Though Fengjiu was grateful, she told him it wasn't necessary.

Prince Ling was happy to be back in Fengjiu's good graces. He made sure to spend time with her everyday at meal time. Things had been more busy lately because his father had been severely hurt by the sword. One day, he was summoned into the main palace by the Emperor and he took Fengjiu with him.

The Emperor stated with a sigh, "I almost died a few days ago and it made me realize how short life is. As you know, I consider you to be the most capable of your siblings, so I need you to get married and produce children. You may be the next Emperor, so it is important. They can either be a main wife or a concubine."

"But...Father." Prince Ling tried to reason with him.

His father held up a hand to stop him. "I will hear no excuses."

The Chief advisor commented, "You Majesty, how about we go ahead with the tradition of old and pick 10 woman to compete for the Princes hand?"

The Emperor pondered for a moment. "That might be a good idea. How about this Prince Ling, I will be generous and let you personally pick one woman to be in the competition."

The Chief advisor looked like he didn't agree and tried to say something to convince the Emperor. "Your Majesty, I--"

Then the Emperor lifted his hand to stop him from talking. He stated, "I'm letting him bring one woman. There is no harm. The event will occur in 2 months."

Prince Ling could see his father was in no mood for negotiations and he bowed with a heavy heart. "Yes, Your Majesty." The Emperor seemed pleased and dismissed Prince Ling.

Fengjiu wondered how she was going to deal with this. She could join, but Prince Ling hadn't admitted his feelings yet. 'Wouldn't it be too forward to say that I wanted to be a part of the competition?' He continued to be quiet the entire way, so she let him think in peace.

Prince Ling did not want anything to do with the competition, and besides he had never wanted to marry anyone. 'Wait',  he stopped mid thought, 'had never wanted? Did that mean I wanted to now? I know I have feelings for Fengjiu...but love?'  He immediately went into denial. It was too soon for love, it had to be lust that he felt. 'Right?'

Fengjiu left Prince Ling to his thoughts, while she went to her room and called out with a low voice, "Si Ming?"

Si Ming immediately appeared and he bowed. "Yes, little Princess?"

"There will be a competition for Prince Ling's future wife. What do I do?" Fengjiu asked.

"Don't worry Princess. What happens next will help you with this. Just give things some time. He will ask you to join," Si Ming assured her with a smile. "He has never loved a girl before, so it is very confusing for him."

Fengjiu nodded and replied, "Thank you, Si Ming." When Si Ming disappeared, she decided she would go and make some food to pass the time.

Prince Ling was looking through scrolls and at the royal family money and noticed a few large withdraws. He thought to himself, 'Someone has been withdrawing money since father has been hurt. It seems like they are hoping no one will notice.' He looked again and finally found something. First brother had removed a large sum of money, but he knew his father was unconscious at the time, so he didn't get permission.

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