Chapter 17

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When Emperor Ling stabbed the ex Chief advisor he disappeared into nothing. 'Had I just killed him? He must have been a magic user...or maybe one of those immortals they speak about.' Emperor Ling thought to himself.

A moment later, he fell to his knees. Emperor Ling felt like he had nothing left. He had killed his father's murder, but he felt no better. 'I don't deserve to live after what I had done to Fengjiu.'

Emperor Ling went back to bed and didn't eat or drink for days. He waited for death. Seventh Prince was plagued with guilt and was constantly drunk, but when he wasn't he would visit his brother and try to talk to him. He had to think of something before his brother died.

One day when the Emperor felt particularly bad and thought maybe he was leaving the world behind, he was woken up by couple people in his room. He recognized little Yue Mi and some of the women that he and Fengjiu had saved when they first met. He didn't say anything to them, but they talked to him. He had heard none of what anyone else said, but when he heard Yue Mi speak next, he listened.

"Brother Ling, I miss Sister Fengjiu. I heard that she left this world but I don't know what that means." She had tears in her eyes. "They told me that she won't be able to see me anymore. I was sad for many days, but I knew you'd be sad too. I...I wanted to see you because at least we can remember together," Yue Mi expressed. She saw that he looked at her with a tortured expression. She took his giant hand into hers. "She told me to tell you something the last time I saw her. She said that she hoped one day I would find a man like Emperor Ling, who loves without restraint, who is brave, kind and loving." When she said this she saw the tears pouring down his face. Yue Mi wanted to cry too but she wanted to tell him these things first.

Emperor Ling had never hated himself as much as he did at this moment. 'What must she have thought when I started to believe she was capable of killing not only his father but me as well? She had loved me so much and expected so much better from me...and I let her down.'

Yue Mi continued, "Sister Fengjiu told me one day she wanted me to tell you the things she said. She said she want me to learn how to fight so that I will never get hurt, and wanted me to learn  and become one of the smartest people in the room. Can you help me with that Brother Ling?" She looked at him with wide eyes.

Emperor Ling was hurting so much inside, but he knew how much Fengjiu had loved Yue Mi as her if she were her own daughter. 'How could I not help her with these things? I have to take care of the person she loved so much.'

"She also told me to tell you that she had no regrets, that she loved you with all of herself. She said she took nothing for granted," Yue Mi informed him.

He felt more tears going down his face. He saw Seventh Prince looked tortured by what he was hearing. Mu Yun was crying as well. His heart was aching as if Fengjiu had died again.

Emperor Ling asked, "Did she say anything else to you?" He was desperate for more of her words.

Yue Mi finally allowed herself to cry. She said, "Sister Fengjiu said that she wanted me to know that I meant the world to her. She wished I were her daughter."

Emperor Ling finally got out of bed. Though he felt dizzy and was visibly thinner. He knelt down and pulled her into his arms. "I will name you as my heir. You were the daughter that Fengjiu wanted. So you shall be just that."

Seventh Prince gasped, his brother had just named a female heir. No woman has ever ruled over this kingdom. He knew Emperor Ling had his work cut out for him. The officials and the citizens will have a hard time accepting it.

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