Chapter 12

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The next morning Fengjiu quickly woke up to see tons of maids helping her get ready. She had been staying in her room, to give Prince Ling space. She guessed these maids were from Prince Ling. When they were finished she looked like an Empress. She walked out of her room and saw Prince Ling walk out. He looked every bit an Emperor.

Dong Hua saw Fengjiu come out of her room and he couldn't take his eyes off of her

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Dong Hua saw Fengjiu come out of her room and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He was so lucky to have her in his life. He didn't want to waste one day of not being with her. He took her hand in his and they went into the main palace. He made Fengjiu stay by his side to show her position. Which was future Empress.

Finally, one of the Eunuchs came and bowed before him. Then he spoke some words that Prince Ling had heard before from books. Then he put the Crown on Prince Lings head. Everyone bowed. "Long live Emperor Ling. Long Live Emperor Ling."

Once they were done Emperor Ling said, "Today I am with a heavy heart without my father. But I am going to move forward. We are going to stop magic users from being slaves and continue to make this country great." Then he continued, "Tomorrow was supposed to be my wedding day that was agreed upon by the late Emperor. I plan to keep that date. Tonight I want a funeral for my father."

Many gasped including Fengjiu. One of the advisors said," Your Majesty, it is not proper etiquette to get married so soon after the death of--"

"Are you trying to dismiss the will of the late Emperor?" Emperor Ling said with a harsh tone. He had no patience to argue.

After that no one argued. She watched as many came with gifts to pay respect to Emperor Ling. He accepted them because it was polite, though from his expression Fengjiu could tell he thought some of the gifts were too extravagant.

Once the coronation was over. Emperor Ling looked at Fengjiu with a smile,  "I know we hadn't talked about the wedding since all this happened. But I really want to keep this date. I don't want another day to go by without you being my wife."

Fengjiu felt tears in her eyes and nodded. She wrapped her arms around him. "Being your wife will be a pleasure."

Emperor Ling laughed and kissed her fingers. "Thank you for giving me time to process things. Come back to my room tonight...and stay every night for the rest of our lives."

She nodded and went to get her stuff from her room. While in her room she changed for the funeral when Emperor Ling went to get a snack. She was in a black dress. She walked out and let him get dressed. While he got dressed she made lunch for them.

 While he got dressed she made lunch for them

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