Chapter 15

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The next morning Fengjiu woke up first and looked around. She saw The Emperor sleeping deeply. She felt a wave sadness when she remembered that today was their last day together. No, she told herself. She swallowed the sob that threatened to leave her mouth.

She got up and fixed breakfast, making to make all of his favorites. She had a big day planned for them.

Emperor Ling woke up to the smell of breakfast. He sat up and wiped his eyes. Then he put on his robe and walked into his study. He saw Jiu'er with a couple plates around. He even saw some of her famous cakes. "You always tell me to not eat cakes till dinner because it is healthier...what is going on? Did you break something important?" He asked with a laugh.

"Are you complaining about the cakes?" she asked and then started to move the cakes away.

He quickly grabbed them and exclaimed, "No complaining here!" He stuffed his mouth with one after he chewed.  "I am just curious why you are going against your own words."

"Because I felt like it," she stated and crossed her arms and playfully glared at him.

He put both his hands up. "Alright! Alright my Empress. Anything you want."

Then they ate the big breakfast. Afterwards Fengjiu told him, "I have plans for us all day today. First we are going by the magic users you saved when we first. Next I want to visit Yue Mi and see how she is. Lastly, I want to you bring me outside of the palace where we met."

"I don't mind doing these things with you, but I figured you'd want something a bit more difficult.  How about we also walk in the marketplace. Let's make a romantic night," The Emperor suggested. Fengjiu nodded and he smiled at her.

"I am going to let the Eunuch's know about us going out. We will leave as soon as we are finished getting dressed," He told her and then stroked her cheek. She put her face more into his hand because it felt so good. He then said, "We won't be able to leave if you keep being so sweet, Jiu'er."

She blushed and then ran back into the room and got cleaned up

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She blushed and then ran back into the room and got cleaned up. Then she put on an extravagant red dress and with jewelry with the help of Mu Yun. She wanted to look as pretty as possible today. She asked, "How do I look?"

 She asked, "How do I look?"

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