Chapter 10

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When Fengjiu woke up in the morning she saw Prince Ling was sleep asleep with one of his arms wrapped around her. She stared at him for a few minutes, she wasn't sure how much time passed by, it could have been an hour. He looked so carefree.

She then decided to make breakfast, when she tried to sit up, Prince Ling's arm tightened around her. He groggy voice asked, "Why are you awake? I am so comfortable."

Fengjiu laughed and was about to tease him when they heard a loud knock on the door. Someone outside shouted, "The Emperor calls both Prince Ling and Lady Fengjiu to the main palace."

Prince Ling looked nervous, then whispered, "We can run away now. Is that what you think we should do?" He was willing to run away with Fengjiu, nothing mattered as long as they were together in his eyes.

She shook her head. "I think we will be okay. If we get put in prison I promise to get us out. But we can't run from this, or we will be running the rest of our lives."

He nodded, but he was still conflicted. He did trust her, more than anyone else in this world.

Fengjiu quickly went to her room to change. After she was dressed, Si Ming appeared. He stated, "It is good that you stayed. Everything will be alright. I have to tell you to do something that you won't like." He told her the last part hesitantly, as if he knew her reaction would be bad. "I need you to not expose the Ex Chief Advisor."

She was about to protest, then he continued quickly. "This is so that Dijun can complete his trial with no issues. I am sorry Princess but the trial you won't be able to stay much longer. I know you were supposed to get a lifetime, but by the end you were supposed to do something that would devastate him." He looked saddened and continued slowly. "I-I found out the longer that you stay... the more issues that will come. The script keeps changing and it isn't safe, maybe it is because Dijun can't be controlled by my writing, since he is not a regular immortal." Si Ming took her hand and sat her down on the bed. "I am sorry little Princess. You will only get one year to be with Dijun."

Fengjiu let out a strangled cry. He quickly patted her back, not knowing how to console her. He explained, "What has to happen is the Ex Chief Advisor has to stay alive. He won't bother you guys for a year. I observed him and he is making plans to turn Prince Ling against you. Once he does, then he plans to kill him and ruin Dijun's trial. But you will be invisible with me. Protecting Dijun. Little Princess, this is the only way...The realms will be in danger without him. You must be strong."

Fengjiu felt tears running down her face. She asked in a strangled voice, "What of my sacrifice?"

 She asked in a strangled voice, "What of my sacrifice?"

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Si Ming kept her hand in his. He replied, "I know it hurts, I am sorry for that, but this is bigger than either of you. You get one year to be married and in love. Isn't that enough?" He looked at her pleadingly.

Fengjiu smiled sadly through her tears. She answered, "Oh Si Ming, it would never be enough." She knew deep down it was true, and she had been a fool to think one life would have satisfied her. She thought to herself, 'One year or even a hundred, it did not matter, I would never be happy with a limit.' Because of these thoughts she whispered, "Alright. One year."

Si Ming patted her back. "I can't tell you exactly what will happen yet, but you will betray Prince Ling and he will experience pain."

Fengjiu nodded, Dijun had wanted it this way, so she would give it to him. She would take all the happy moments and keep them forever.

"I brought you something," Si Ming said with a sad voice. He handed her some peaches that looked to be glowing. "I got these from Zhe Yan. Eat this and for one year you won't have any children." Then he teleported away.

She felt so numb by this point she wasn't even sure if she nodded. She held it in her hand and quietly ate the peach, with tears going down her face. She knew it was best to eat this because having Dijun's children without his consent was wrong. Though she would have loved to have babies, she knew that after this he would go back to being the cold impenetrable Dijun. No child should have to deal with that pain.

After she was done with the peach, she finished her look by putting in a beautiful pin inside her hair. She walked outside and saw Prince Ling. She quickly put a fake smile on her face, hoping that she was being convincing enough. Maybe he didn't notice because he was so nervous about his father.

Prince Ling was really worried about his father. He wondered, 'What would he say? My father had never been predictable.'  They walked to the main palace and saw the Emperor sitting on his throne. Prince Ling also saw all the important people around, along with all of his brothers.

The Emperor had a humble look on his face. "I would like to formally apologize for how I have been these past few years. I have been holding on to so much anger and hurting innocent people." He shook his head sadly. "I am putting a stop to all the slavery of magic users. They are to be released and sent back to their homes," he announced.

Fengjiu was stunned by how much the Emperor had changed, based on words she had said. She guessed it was true what Zhe Yan always told her, 'words have power.'

Prince Ling was shocked, but happy. His father had seen that Fengjiu was good, and he was going to release all the magic users.

The Emperor then stated, "My son Prince Ling is to marry Fengjiu. No matter what her background is, she has proven to be a loyal, brave, and virtuous lady. She is to be married to my son Prince Ling as his main wife." Then he continued with a tired smile. "And my son is to be my heir upon my death." Everyone gasped at his words.

Prince Ling gasped and felt himself almost shed a tear, he quickly bowed. "Thank you, Emperor Father."

The Emperor walked over to Prince Ling and pulled him from the floor. He replied, "From now on call me father. You bow before no one." The Emperor then embraced Prince Ling and they stayed like that for a while.

Fengjiu smiled, happy that Prince Ling was getting a good father out of all this. She was still processing everything, but she had to live in the moment.

After the meeting was over The Emperor, Prince Ling and Fengjiu walked out of the palace. The Emperor stated, "Lets get your married as soon as possible." Prince Ling and Fengjiu smiled and nodded.

Prince Ling informed him, "There is an auspicious day in 2 weeks. What do you think Father?"

The Emperor teasingly smiled. "Sounds perfect, my son." He patted Prince Ling's back.

Fengjiu excused herself to go to her room, to let them talk over plans and so that she could give them time to rebuild their bond. When she got to her room, she laid down and took a nap.

When Fengjiu woke up, she saw it was sunset. She went into Prince Ling's rooms and saw he wasn't there. She guessed he was still bonding with his father.

She went to the kitchen and cooked. This was her de-stressing exercise. Cooking always made her feel better. As she was cooking she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her. She smiled and patted his hands.

He whispered, "I missed you."

Prince Ling watched as Fengjiu laughed. She replied, "I missed you too." He watched as she continued to cook. She looked beautiful even like this, with her hair strands sticking out and a few smudges on her face. 'I'm so lucky,' he thought to himself.

The rest of the night they ate, and Prince Ling talked about the plans that he and his father had talked about. After that they went to bed in Prince Ling's room and cuddled. They both heard the calming rain outside. Both were beyond happy to be together.

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