Chapter 8

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Fengjiu woke up the next morning and when she stood up she heard her little bells and it made her smile. 'My Dijun is always with me. I am thankful that I am going to have this life with him.'

She knew the next trial was etiquette, so she knew she was supposed to look her very best. Good thing she had been a part of Dijun's maids, because it taught her a lot of etiquette. Also, she read a lot of books on it for the past few days. And she made time to watch The Emperor's concubines.

Fengjiu picked out one the best dresses that Prince Ling had sent her. Once she was about to take bath, 4 maids came in. Fengjiu was about to ask what was going on when Mu Yun told her, "Prince Ling told us to help you get ready."

She smiled, she knew Prince Ling just wanted to help as much as he could. She decided to let them help her. They gave her a massage in the bath and they added many amazing herbs and oils to her bath. Two of them helped her wash her body and hair. Once she was done they started to comb through her silky hair. Mu Yun came in front of her and said, "I am going to tint your lips. I know you don't want anymore makeup." She nodded with a smile.

After her lips were tinted, they started to arrange her hair and put lovely pins in them. Half her hair was down and the rest was pinned. After they finished with that, they put her lovely dress on. It was white and purple. She loved that there was purple in it, for it reminded her of Dijun.

When they were done with her dress

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When they were done with her dress. They started to put her shoes on, then Mu Yun asked, "When did you get these?"

Fengjiu smiled and confessed, "A friend from town sent them to me. I missed them very much."

Fengjiu then dismissed all the maids but Mu Yun. She said, "Mu Yun, you have been so kind to me and just a delight to be around. I'd love to give you something that I made." She handed her the necklace she made last night. It had a pearl on it. She had used her magic to make hers a pink color.

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Mu Yun looked shocked and stuttered, "But...My lady...This is too much. It looks so expensive. I have never seen pearls glow like this."

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