Chapter 22

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Fengjiu felt herself floating and after a moment she opened her eyes. She was at the place where she had seen the Goddess of Fate the two previous times. She looked up and saw the Goddess.

She remembered everything that happened. "I did as you said. I protected Dijun."

Goddess of Fate smiled at her and stroked Fengjiu's hair. She replied, "I am proud of you, child. I am sorry you have gone through so much. Now is the time to reward you."

"There is no need Goddess. Dijun doesn't love me or feel anything more for me than that of a child." Fengjiu told the Goddess as she looked down at her feet. "It's better if I stay dead." Her heart was still broken and knew it would never be the same.

Goddess Of Fate sighed. "It looks like he still doesn't appreciate my gifts. No matter...I am still going to reward you."

"With what Goddess? There isn't anything I need," Fengjiu expressed with a sad look on her face.

"Dong Hua lied to you Fengjiu. I can make it where you both end up together," Goddess Of Fate told her.

"He wouldn't lie about that Goddess. I saw his face, and I know he was serious. I have to let go," Fengjiu replied as a tear went down her face.

"At least take my gift," The Goddess stated. "I will be offended if you don't"

Fengjiu didn't want to offend Goddess, so she nodded and bowed. "Yes, Goddess Of Fate. Thank you."

The Goddess waved her hand and they ended up at the Three Incarnations Rock. Fengjiu looked confused. Goddess told her, "When I created this rock...I thought everyone would love to see who their fated mate was, but now I can see it just causes problems." She sighed. "Also, after watching over immortals so long, I have realized that sometimes we need to meet the wrong people to find the right person. So I want to destroy the rock."

Fengjiu gasped. "But...But Goddess...This is in the Nine Heavens, won't they find it offensive?"

Goddess Of Fate laughed. "I'd like to see them try to be offended. It was my rock and I can do with it as I please." Then she turned to Fengjiu and instructed, "I need you to take your name off the rock."

Fengjiu looked at the Goddess in shock. She stuttered, "But Goddess..."

"I told you I was rewarding you. Though to be fair at the same time I am helping myself, because of the imbalance." She shook her head. "Anyway, long ago when Dong Hua took his name off the rock there was a giant crack in it. If one more person takes their name off...the rock will completely break," The Goddess informed Fengjiu. "This is for the best anyway. I don't want anyone else to go through what you have, child." Then she patted her shoulder.

Fengjiu was quiet for a moment and nodded. It's not like the rock was important to her anymore. Dijun didn't want to be with her, so she knew she would be single forever. She asked, " How do I do it?"

Goddess Of Fate summoned a long black sword. She instructed, "All you have to do is call forth your name on the rock and slash your name out."

Fengjiu took the sword slowly in her hands, and felt a tear go down her face. 'This truly was for the best,' she thought to herself. She walked to the rock and knelt at it. "Imperial Princess Bai Feng Jiu." Then her name appeared next to another person, whom she didn't know. She said, "Hopefully you find the perfect woman." Then she slashed the sword across her name. She heard the crumbling and cracking of the giant stone. She quickly back away and watched as the rock splintered.

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