Chapter 5

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The next two days Fengjiu and Prince Ling kept up the appearance that he was healing, because they didn't want people to know he had been healed so quickly. People would start to suspect. She made food for Prince Ling everyday and even ran his bath for him, even though it made her blush every time to see his naked back. She made sure to turn around, so that she didn't see his full body.

Prince Ling admitted to himself now that he loved her, and very deeply. He still had questions about where she came from and who she was...but if he were honest it didn't matter, as long as she was with him. He just had to figure out how to admit it to her.

Fengjiu felt very sick, though she didn't tell Prince Ling about it. She knew the she had used a lot of magic two times and it was too much for a 30,000 year old. She was too young. She was just glad she could pull the magic off.

She hid the fact that she was coughing up blood, hoping Prince Ling wouldn't see.

Prince Ling wasn't supposed to be out of his room yet, but he missed going on a daily walk. He was going to just peak outside and see where Fengjiu went, when he flashes of light coming from her room. He opened the door to Fengjiu's room and saw she was in a meditative position. Prince Ling couldn't help but watch this. The colors of her magic were surrounding her in beautiful rings circling her body, the colors were pink, purple, red and gold. Then he saw her immediate stop and cough up blood, he gasped in horror and ran to her.

"What is going on?" Prince Ling demanded to know what was wrong

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"What is going on?" Prince Ling demanded to know what was wrong. Fengjiu looked at him and he wiped the blood from her lips using his sleeve.

"Remember how I found out where the financial documents  were?" she asked

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"Remember how I found out where the financial documents were?" she asked. He nodded, and she continued, "They had been burned in your room. I suspect it was that Chief Advisor. I used magic to make it the way that it was before, which takes a lot of magic."

"Then you healed me," Prince Ling whispered. He sat down next to her. "Why? You could have killed yourself just to heal me."

She couldn't help but admit to him. "Because I love you."

He gasped, and pulled her into his arms and kissed her with passion. Letting his lips caress hers. Not caring about the blood. For some reason he felt like a man who had been in the desert for days without water and was dying without her lips, and then suddenly got blessed with the most cool and refreshing water.

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