Chapter 9

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Fengjiu tossed and turned all night. She didn't know why it was so hard to sleep. She wondered, 'Was I nervous? But I hadn't been this nervous for the other trials. Was it because it was the last one'

She decided to get up early because she wasn't sleeping well. She took a long bath, because she had time. She accidentally dosed in the bath, when Mu Yun came in and remarked, "Lady Fengjiu. You could have woken us up. We would have given you a bath."

"I couldn't sleep." Fengjiu replied with a groggy voice. She wasn't very talkative when she didn't get a lot of sleep.

Mu Yun nodded, seeming to pick up on her mood. She helped Fengjiu out of the bath and wrapped her up in a towel to dry off. Fengjiu decided to just comb her hair for a while and not do anything else. It was very calming. Mu Yun went to get Fengjiu some tea.

"Thank you," Fengjiu told her with a small smile. When she was finished her tea, she went to look at her options for clothing. Everyone was to wear armor and Prince Ling had sent her plenty of options. She finally chose a sliver armor set with a silver sword to match. She left her hair half down. After Fengjiu was finished putting on her armor, she saw Prince Ling walk in.

She immediately felt more awake and in a better mood. She smiled at him, "Greetings, Your Highness."

Prince Ling smiled and then looked at her and admired her happily, "You look like a Warrior Empress!" When he saw Fengjiu smile tiredly he looked at the dark circles under her eyes

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Prince Ling smiled and then looked at her and admired her happily, "You look like a Warrior Empress!" When he saw Fengjiu smile tiredly he looked at the dark circles under her eyes. "Did you not get any sleep last night?"

"Not much," Fengjiu admitted. She leaned against him and he held her close.

"I promise, no matter what result it is today. I will only marry you. I won't take any concubines. You will be my only wife," Prince Ling told her and kissed her forehead many times.

Fengjiu smiled, already feeling better. She said without thinking, "I am glad. I do think I will win, but I was always told by Zhe Yan that you can never underestimate anyone."

Prince Ling looked surprised. She had talked about something from back home. He implored, "Who is Zhe Yan?"

Fengjiu inwardly yelled at herself, she spoke without thinking. She replied, "He is a family friend."

"Can you tell me about him?" Prince Ling asked curiously. He hoped it wasn't some past love.

Fengjiu smiled at his jealousy and answered, "He is really old, but he helped raise me and my Aunt. He was always there for us when we needed to talk. He makes the best wine in the world." She sighed remembering this, even though she was happy to be here with Dijun, she still missed her family.

Prince Ling was happy, he felt she was really opening up to him. He was also glad that she mentioned that this Zhe Yan was old and had raised her. He replied, "He sounds great. Maybe I can meet him."

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