Chapter 23

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Dong Hua looked around in horror. 'How did this happen? Does she just need reminders to remember me?' He quickly turned back around to look at her and he pointed to her ankle. "Do you see that?" he asked.

Fengjiu looked down a some some bells around her ankle. Something was tugging at her memory and she rubbed her head. "Ow! My head hurts."

Dong Hua put his hands on her head and send healing waves to her. He spoke in a soothing voice. "I'm sorry Jiu'er. I just wanted to remind you. I'll just go slow."

Fengjiu just nodded, though she wasn't sure why he seemed to think she was someone called Jiu'er. 

Dong Hua asked, "Would you like to have a walk?"

Fengjiu thought for a moment and nodded again. 'I definitely felt I needed to walk the stiffness out of my limbs.' She replied, "Yes, I could use a walk."

They walked out of the fox den, she looked back at her family who gave her an encouraging nod. She walked beside him. "It really is an honor to meet you. I just hope I'm not keeping you from any important appointments."

Dong Hua sighed. 'This might be more difficult than I had thought.'  He replied, "You aren't keeping me from anything. I was very sad that you were asleep for 3 years. I feel so relieved that you are awake."

"So you do know me? It wasn't a mistake?" Fengjiu asked. She wondered, 'Shouldn't I remember something as significant as meeting the master of the Heavens and Earth?'

"No. It's not a mistake," Dong Hua replied.

Fengjiu frowned and admitted, "I'm frightened. What if I never remember?"

"Don't worry you will remember. I'll help you," Dong Hua promised. He was willing to spend his life helping her remember. He thought, 'And if she didn't remember I would make new memories with her.'

As Fengjiu and Dong Hua walked along the nearby river. He saw blue flowers, and used magic to pick one. He handed it to her. "For you. Blue flowers are your favorite."

Fengjiu looked at the flower and took it in her hand. "You truly do know me." Then she sniffed the flower and felt something at the edge of her memory, it was trying to come to her.

Then she felt a deep pain in her chest. She stopped walking for a moment and held onto her chest.

Dong Hua saw this and pulled her into his arms. He asked with panic in his voice, "Jiu'er?! What is wrong?"

"I don't know. I just looked and smelled the flower, and it felt familiar...and my chest hurt," Fengjiu answered confused.

Dong Hua didn't like her in pain, but he thought more. 'Maybe I had to find other stuff that made her remember things.'  He stated, "Let's get you back home. If you walk too much it might hurt you tomorrow." Then he held out his hand for her to hold.

Fengjiu nodded and let him take her hand in his. She felt tingles going down her arm. 'For some reason this felt...familiar but also new. Why is that?' Once she got inside, she couldn't help but ask him. "Would you like to join us for dinner?"

Dong Hua felt surprised that she asked this but nodded. Fengjiu quickly went in the kitchen to cook. After the food was almost done she went to quickly change clothes. When she was looking through her hair pins, she found a blue one. It had a flower on it.

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