Chapter 13

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(A/N MATURE CONTENT warning. I will warn again before the scene. I also will mark where it ends so that you can pick up after it is over.)

Emperor Ling stopped Fengjiu outside of their room. He made her yelp when he picked her up. He smiled as he carried her inside their room. Fengjiu blushed and was thankful for her veil. Then he put her down beside the bed. She sat down on the bed and tried to remain calm. She worried, 'What if he didn't like the way my body looked? What if he thought I made weird noises or facial expressions?'

Emperor Ling took the stick and slowly lifted the veil from her face. He gasped at her beauty. The gold and red dress looked so perfect with her red birthmark. Her red lips made her stand out even more. He stated slowly, "I am glad for the rule of the veil. I don't know what I would have done if all those men had been able to stare at you as you are now."

"Even if they had looked...I am your wife now," she replied to him in a low voice.

He stared at her for a bit longer, then he looked over at the table next to their bed. He saw two cups of wine. He picked up both and handed one of the cups to her. They crossed their arms to drink to each others cup.

After their tiny cups were empty

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After their tiny cups were empty. He looked at her and he could see how she was nervous. He sat their cups down and took her hands in his. He told her, "Everything will be okay. It's my first time too. If I hurt you just tell me alright? I'll stop immediately. I just want to be with you."

"I want to be with you too," Fengjiu admitted and bit her lip out of anxiety. He reached over and took her head in his hands, he used his thumb on the bottom lip so that she would let it go. Then he pulled her to him for a kiss. He couldn't hold back his passion.

(A/N Mature Content WARNING)

Emperor Ling pushed her against the book shelf in the room and moved his hands down her body, then he grasps her by the elbows and pulled her to him closer, wedging her between his muscled body and the bookshelf, flicking his tongue against her until she joined him. Their mouths were mating in a rhythm like a beautiful and passionate dance.

Fengjiu was lost inside the kiss, so lost that when her lifted her up, her legs moved automatically to surround his hips. He groaned and then she felt the length of his hardness against her. She gasped and he laid her on the bed softy. He took his lips away from her mouth to give her a chance to breathe. Then he started kissing her neck and down her chest slowly.

His eyes looked at her in a questioning way. He was asking for permission. She nodded and then he slowly moved his hands down to remove her underwear. In this passion she always already forgetting to be nervous, and every touch felt like her body was on fire within.

"Look at me," he commanded, his voice thickened due to his emotions.

Fengjiu immediately looked at him. His face was Dijun's, but his eyes were wild and unlike how they normally look. It was beautiful. "Yes?" She whispered.

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