I - 32 Battle plan

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The situation was critical

Vegas and I barely had time to share a passionate kiss. He was already pushing me away and telling me

- Pete, let's save that for later! Kinn is in danger! We are all in danger! From what I heard, there are at least twenty men inside. They are armed and dangerous. Kinn helped me escape but he is badly hurt and at any time they can discover I ran away and kill him.

- First we need to move away from here, I say. We are very close from the Hum Bar, let's go there. I removed the rubber band in my hair to tie his then I helped him to remove his shirt to put the sweatshirt I had tied around my waist. - It's not a lot, but if they see you, they may not recognize you. I placed a furtive kiss on his lips and we came out from our hiding place.

Once past the street where the villa stand, we ran like crazy to the Hum Bar.

When we arrived, Yok screamed.

- I thought I was coming soon to your funeral! What's going on ? I didn't take the time to answer. I switched my phone on and turned to Vegas.

- Take Yok's and call Kim. Tell him we'll all meet here in an hour.

I called Porsche. I knew how it felt thinking we lost the one we love and I couldn't bear not to let him know Kinn was alive. He picked up and shouted :

- Where the fuck did you disappear to? I must have called you a hundred times! New gained his memory back and he remembers everything! It wasn't Vegas and Kinn in the car. They are alive! We are all looking for them.

I cut it.

- Listen to me, I know where they are. Kinn is in great danger. Meet me as soon as possible at the Hum Bar and bring armed men with you, but not a lot of them, we are being watched.

I hung up right away. I turned to Vegas, he had just hung up too.

- We cannot afford to raise the alarm otherwise Kinn might be killed. He told me.

- He probably came with Arm and Pol. The others will be ready yo lend a hand as soon as we saved Kinn.


An hour later everyone was aware of the situation. We were preparing our attack but there were only eight of us against around twenty trained men. We'll have to play tight.

- I think the best thing is that I retake the path I escape back. You don't know the way but I do. I'm just going to take Porsche and Pol with me because it takes someone big enough to carry Kinn plus two men one in front and one behind to protect them. As soon as we get him out we'll withdraw to the hiding place Pete was and wait for backup.

Pete stood up.

- No Vegas, I'm coming with you. You don't think I'm going to let you go alone. It's non negotiable.

- Pete listen to me, I don't want anything to happen to you. If I die Macau will be all alone.

- If you die, he will have his family to watch over him. I say looking at Vegas, Kim and Porsche - You are a family even if you have forgotten it so forgive each other, support each other and forget about the competition to get back to what is really important!

I turned to Vegas.

- I only have you, so we're going to fight together and if by misfortune we were to die today, we'll die together.

His eyes were shining and he hugged me tight.

- Okay Pete, together.


Vegas, Porsche and I walked slowly. The first step was the hiding place in the street. When we reached that place we keep silent to listen to the noises around us. We don't heard nothing suspicious so we continued to the wall. Porsche was doing the short ladder to Vegas jumping to the other side and then to me. I straddled the wall to grab Porsche's arm and pull him up to me. We both fell next to Vegas waiting for us.

- Go. he said. And he walked towards the window through which he had fled. Luckily it was still open. Once inside we listened, everything was calm. We followed Vegas upstairs.

In front of the door where Kinn had been locked up we took out our gun. Vegas signals us to hide on either side of the door, which he yanked open.

Inside, next to the passed out guard, Kinn a gun in hand, targeted us, ready to fight for his life.

Porsche rushed to him and hugged him.

- Kinn what the fuck they did to you!

Unfortunately, we had no time to feel sorry for him. Time was running out for us.

I stood in front of the door to keep watch. Meanwhile Vegas was helping Kinn get on Porsche's shoulders. He picked him up with a pain moan.

Vegas waved me to move forward. I rushed down the hallway, gun in hand followed by Porsche and Kinn, Vegas closing the walk.

We were going downstairs without meeting anyone when suddenly a ball whistled close my ear. We had surprised a man who crossed the room, a bottle in his hand. He had drawn his gun to fire. Because of the darkness he missed the shot. I immediately shoot back and the man fell to the ground, dead.

We were discovered! We already heard the sound of footsteps running to us.

- Hurry up !!! said Vegas and we went from the house to the garden through the window. We rushed towards the wall. I crossed my hands to help Porsche up the wall then Pete and I gave him Kinn. They barely had time to drop on the other side of the wall when the balls began to fly around us. We didn't have time to climb too!

Vegas grabbed my hand and we rushed to the trees in the garden for cover.

- Are you okay ? He told me.

- Yes, let's try to find another way out.

And we moved towards our destiny hand in hand.

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