II - 2 Vegasio and Pietro

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- Ohhh Pete don't stop it's good.

I was lying on the bed, Pete was straddling me, his head back, his beautiful hair waving in front of his eyes. He had put his hands on my ankles while mine caressed his sex and ass. I wanted it to last forever. I could feel the pleasure inside me mingling with this feeling of endless love.

- I'm cumming!" he shouted as his semen spilled over my belly. I stood up and brought my mouth to his to collect his last moans and I came too.

We stayed tight in each other's arms not wanting this moment to end.

- Go wash yourself. He said to me

- Come with me please, please ....

- No, I'm tired, let me rest a little.

- Ok, I'm going, rest.


I'm just going to lie down for a while. Between Vegas, Macau, Venice, work, I'm really tired. I'm going to rest for five minutes and then I'll be fine.

Pete's gone to dreamland.

He travels to a beautiful part of Italy where there is a sumptuous and romantic city called Verona.

The beauty of the city cannot hide the ugliness of what happens there.

Two wealthy families own almost all the wealth of the city between them, but instead of sharing it equally, they hate and fight each other constantly.

In the main family, the son Romeo loves his cousin Pietro as if he were his own brother. He is beautiful, smiling and loved by all.

In the secondary family, Juliet has an older brother named Vegasio. He is a very handsome man but he is also very shadowy. His father, who is always trying to outdo the main family, is always yelling at Vegasio, inciting him to fight and putting him down if he is not first in everything.

The prince of Verona organizes one day a masked ball and invites the representatives of the two families.

Romeo, although his father has ordered him to go, decides to go to his mistress and asks Pietro to pretend to be him.

- We look so much alike and moreover you will be masked, nobody will notice anything.

As for Vegasio, he decided to seize this opportunity to court the heir of the main family. Once he has seduced and possessed him, he will reject him and make fun of him in the whole city.

- Once I've made a fool of him we'll see who's the better of the two of us.

The evening of the ball, Pietro arrives disguised. He is afraid to be unmasked and decides to take refuge in a small living room. He sits on a sofa and takes a book to pass the time.

After a while he feels a look on him. He looks up and his heart sinks. A tall man is standing in front of him. He can't see his face but he feels attracted by this beautiful black hair, these beautiful white hands that look like they were made to caress and the intoxicating smell that he gives off.

- Hello. He says to break the silence.

The man sits down close to him. He is also overwhelmed by what he feels in front of this man who is masked. He takes his hand and says to him.

- We don't know each other and yet my heart recognized you at once. You are the one destined for me.

Pietro, his heart beating, tries to withdraw his hand but Vegasio tightens his embrace and puts his lips on the hand of the one he has just fallen in love with.

- Please stop.

- I can't help it. I want to kiss your whole body.

Pietro lets out a little cry, tears off his hand and runs away.

- I will find you! shouts Vegasio laughing.

Pietro is lying in his bed, he can't find sleep. This encounter has turned his life upside down.

- Who is he? Do I have a chance to see him again one day? And what does he look like behind his mask?

All these questions turn in his head when suddenly he hears a cry:

- Romeo, Romeo

He goes out on the balcony and sees the man who occupies all his thoughts calling him.

- Shuuut! says Pietro

- My beloved, I told you that I would find you! Join me or I won't stop shouting your name!

Pietro runs down the stairs before he wakes up the whole house. He stops, forbidden, in front of Vegasio who has taken off his mask. He is more than beautiful and Pietro cannot leave those eyes that stare at him with tenderness.

- I knew you were beautiful and now that I see your face I love you even more. Listen, I wanted to hurt you before I met you because of your family, but now I don't care. I just want you to give me a chance to love you.

- Why are you mad at my family? Who are you?

- I'm Vegasio the eldest son of the second family. The one who lays his heart at your feet.

Pietro pushes a moan of pain.

- Vegasio, why are you Vegasio? Deny your father and I'll be yours.

- Don't worry. From tomorrow I'll ask your father for your hand and I'm sure that our engagement will reconcile our two families.

He approaches him to take his lips in a kiss full of passion.

- You are mine now.

- Yes I am yours.

The next day Vegasio asks for an audience with his father.

Pietro, who has not yet confessed his true identity, disguises himself as a maid and goes in secret to Vegasio when he is going to meet his father.

- Father I am in love. My beloved is the son of the main family. I know that they are our enemies but our union could calm your wrath against this family.

- My God I am betrayed by my own son. You are unworthy to bear our name. I will kill you with my own hands.

And taking out his sword he throws himself on his son to kill him. Pietro throws himself before the sword and receives the fatal blow.

- Ah my beloved, why did you interfere? Don't you know that if you die I won't be long to join you?

- My love I deceived you, I ask you for forgiveness. But for my last moments call me by my true name, call me Pietro, I am the cousin of Romeo.

Vegasio takes out his sword and pierces his own body.

- Pietro my love, what does your name matter to me, we are only the victims of the hatred of our families. Our blood is on their hands, may they be cursed.

And so ends the sad story of Vegasio and Pietro who die in each other's arms.

Vegas wakes up shouting:

- Nooo!

- Are you okay baby, did you have a nightmare?

- Hold me tight. Says Vegas still upset by his dream.

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