II - 14 I will find you on my way

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I was coming home with a broken heart. Once again I had refused to discuss our problems with him. I was definitely having trouble getting my feelings out.

When I arrived, the whole family was sitting around waiting for us. Macau and New had joined us and everyone was talking loudly. My arrival caused a great silence.

- You are alone. Where is Vegas? Macau said.

- He had to leave.

- Why did he have to leave?

- I don't want to talk about it.

My grandmother came over and took my hand.

- If you don't want to talk about it we will respect your decision but if it's because of us I already told you that you can tell us everything. We are all your family and we can see that you are not well. Only you don't say anything and we just have to try to guess. A few months ago, I called you to check up on you. You didn't talk about anything but it sounded like you were happier than you had ever been. When I asked New and Macau if you had anyone in your life they sounded embarrassed. It was only today that I realized when Vegas came along. I saw how you look at each other, I wasn't born yesterday you know. And I want to say "So what? Okay he's a man but all Grandpa and I care about is that you're happy. Do you think we are so narrow-minded that we cannot accept the situation? Besides, we already have grandchildren, a great-grandson, so the succession is assured!

When she started talking I felt so happy. I had never discussed this subject with them and yet they had understood and accepted.

Macau came up to me and took my hand too.

- Pete, since you came into our lives we have found our balance, especially my brother. You spread love all around you. I don't know what my brother did and if it's serious I hope you make him pay but you have to know that underneath his invincible exterior there is a little boy who desperately needs to be loved. I can't believe he would do anything to hurt you because he is so afraid of losing you! When you're late or when he can't reach you he immediately freaks out. Every time he does something he asks himself "Will Pete be okay with this?"

Grandpa would get up and come over to me.

- Are you going to take your fate into your own hands or are you going to stay here and cry about your sad fate?

- But he's gone!

- I know he took a room in a hotel a few minutes from here. I'll drive you there if you want. Says Macau.

They all had their eyes on me.

- Let's go.

I placed a kiss on Venice and Grandma's cheeks, shook hands with Grandpa and New and ran out of the room. My heart was pounding!


I was completely broken. I couldn't have lost him like that! No matter how much I thought about it, I didn't know how to make things right with Pete.

I had always told myself that one day I would pay for the wrong I had done and that day had come, but the price seemed high. I had hardly ever felt the happiness in my entire life. The moments spent with him had been the most beautiful, the most intense, the most unforgettable of my life. Sitting on the private beach of the hotel, I stared at the sea, the sound of the surf allowing me to concentrate not to cry. There must be a way! What's this infidelity stuff again? Should I leave or stay and try again tomorrow? All these questions were swirling around in my head and I couldn't find any answers.

I let out a long, desperate sigh.

I needed Pete from the bottom of my heart because if I didn't, what was ahead of me was a long, sad, meaningless life. Would I have the courage to go on? I didn't know.

- Don't turn around, let me do the talking.

He was there, behind me!

- It's true a part of me hates you for the hurt you caused me. At the time I thought it didn't matter but little by little it started to eat me up inside. You didn't give me a chance to talk about it and I didn't dare to bring it up. And then I saw you with this guy, I want to believe that I misinterpreted the situation and I reacted too violently but it said a lot about us. It seemed to me that our relationship wasn't that strong after all. I'm really mad at you but being separated from you is beyond my strength. So you'll have to pay every day of our lives for me to forgive you for your bad actions.

He came up to me and put his legs around me. His hands were wrapped around my waist and he laid his head against my back with a sigh. I didn't dare to make a move for fear of breaking the magic of the moment.

- I am not inherently bad, it is the way I was raised that has corrupted my character. Our meeting made me the happiest man but also the most desperate because the evil I did to you is the cross I must carry on my shoulders until I die. Only guilt prevented me from talking about it but I thought about it every day. I won't shy away from it anymore, I promise you.

I dared to put my hands on his, he didn't take them away.

- Pete, there's only one way to make it up with you. Marry me and punish me for all the evil I've done. I give you my life because you are more precious to me than anything. Will you accept it?

- Yes, I will.

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