II - 21 Struggle till the end

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As I lay on the ground, overwhelmed, the woman took her gun away from Venice's temple and laughed.

- Oh no, Pete, you had not thought that I would hurt that little face !

Venice was screaming and struggling and I was helpless to try anything because of the fear of him being injured. All I could do was gaze up at him and try to calm him down with a calming expression. Finally, I succeeded in getting his attention and he stopped crying. His eyes glued to mine, his arm stretched out towards me, he was sobbing while repeating:

- Babababababa!!!!!!

I felt so much pain because I loved him so much. It wasn't Vegas and Macau's brother who was crying right now, it was MY CHILD. From the very first moment, when I held him in my arms and he rested his eyes on me; I felt this unbreakable connection as strong, if not stronger, than blood ties. He had chosen me to be his parent and I had agreed to be it until I died.

My blood boiled thinking how cruel it was to use a child in this way. I tried to figure out how to get him out of those clutches smoothly, but my brain turned blank, paralyzed by fear of seeing him hurt. What did this woman want ? Money ?

- You seem to have missed the point, Pete.

She looked at me and laughed.

- You guys didn't recognize me, did you? I made some physical changes so that I would be under the radar and could safely play my game.

I did know her face, but ..... Oh no, not her, not that!

- Ah but you are...

- Finally it comes back to you ! Nora, my name is Nora now. I have to thank you, I knew that here my little Venice would be protected but it's mostly because of you that he didn't lack for anything. You were a real spare mom but now you understand I'll needto have him so I'm taking my son back.

- How can a mother abandon her child? You're truly awful and if you believe I'm going to step aside for you you're dead wrong.

- Do you think I had a choice ? When his father passed away, my son was on the way to be born and I was already aware that he would not be accepted by his brothers who hated me. I had no rights, no power and certainly no means to take care of him. So I left him here hoping that without my presence he would be accepted. But without you he would never have been accepted in this family. Now, thanks to you he became a proper Theerapanyakul and one of the heirs of this empire. That's why I regret to get rid of you because you helped me a lot.

- But everything that's happening right now is your doing?

- Of course, I needed an opportunity to come back! And I'll probably not be able to do that until you get out of my way... both you and Vegas.

- What ????

You know how much he hates me. He used to believe I was the one who made his father handle him so badly. Actually it was not wrong, because he was the first born and as the heir he bothered me, so I never missed a chance to turn his father against him. Because of this hatred between us I could never step back into the minor house as long as he was alive. And you, well you're fighting for my son's love and that pisses me off. Once you're out of sight, he'll come back to me. I had a lot of fun setting things up to get these jerks to fight. If they could just kill each other, I would be fine with it. In the end, the more people who die, the better. As for Vegas, I'll take care of it personally.


My ear pressed to the phone, I ran down the stairs.

How to get Porsche out of there? The only thing I had going for me was surprise, they didn't know I was here or that I had overheard their talk.

When I got to the ground floor, I walked around the rooms expecting the alert to be given to the whole house at any moment. On hearing noises I approached a dimly lit room. Porsche was being held by two men who had twisted his arms behind his back. Paolo was in front of him and was touching his chest.

- Get off me you bastard! Porsche shouted as he struggled.

Paolo then violently slapped him, leaving red marks on his cheeks.

- Talk to me a little better if you want me to treat you well. He added with a cheesy voice.

- You think I'm going to lick your boots ! I'm not afraid of you at all !

- My sources told me you and Kinn are over, aren't you looking for a shoulder to cry on?

I put my phone away, hid my gun in the waistband of my trousers and entered the room, with no clear plan. I would improvise.

As two men, at the back of the room, who I couldn't see from the outside, pointed at me, Paolo turned to me and burst out laughing.

- Look who it is, our little Vegas! Come to have fun with me?

- Let him go.

He passed behind Porsche's back, took his chin in his hands and forced him to raise his face towards me.

- Look at him. It wasn't so long ago that you were hitting after him, was it? And now he and Kinn have stolen it all from you; your father, your legacy, they've left you nothing! I know that you hate Kinn as much as I do, so do yourself a favour and I'll let you go first. Don't tell me you don't want to, I know of your kind.

I approached Porsche who looked at me in total disbelief.

- Vegas?

With both hands I pulled open both sides of his shirt, ripping off the buttons as I did so.

- Why are you listening to him?

Paolo was cheering me on ! - Yes, Vegas, come on, give him a hard time.

I slowly ran my hands over his chest as Porsche struggled, my hands going down his thighs and then up to his nipples which I pinched. The Italian was giggling loudly, his lustful eyes fixed on my hands. After undoing the button on his trousers I grabbed his feet and slid them off.

- Fucking Vegas, I'll kill you! Get off me, noooo!

I ordered the two guards, while pretending to undo the trousers:

- Lay him down.

As they tried to lay Porsche down, I grabbed my gun and shot one of the guards in the head while Porsche restrained the other. I was afraid the men behind me would shoot, but they must have been afraid of hurting their boss, who had the barrel of my gun to his forehead at that moment.

- Hey, hey ! Paolo said. - Everybody calm down! As he looked at his men he added : - Put your guns down. Vegas, Porsche, I was just kidding! I just wanted to have some fun! You guys don't want to start a gang war, do you? Porsche, I already told you that I didn't touch your mamma. If you want I can ask around.

- I don't want your help, you piece of shit, let's go.

We walked out of the room backwards, with my gun pointed to Paolo.

- What the hell was that ? You almost raped me, you asshole!

- Don't say thank you. I just wanted to see your cute little ass.

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