A Boring Halloween In Store

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Conway, Maine

Stan lived in a very wooded area. Lot of trees, on a lonely dirt road. There were hardly any children in his neck of the woods. All the neighbors were married, but no children.

Since that was the case, he wouldn't get any trick or treaters on Halloween. It was shaping up to be an uneventful Halloween. It would just be another day to Stan.

"Maybe I could have imaginary trick or treaters come over!" he gasped, snapping his finger at the thought. But his excitement dwindled, due to not having an overactive imagination.

Stan had to face facts. He was in for a very boring Halloween. Not to mention the fact that it was on a Monday, his least favorite day of the week.

This story was written on Saturday, October 1st, 2022.

A/N Poor Stan. He doesn't have any children to give candy to on Halloween! It'll be a boring Halloween for sure! 😴 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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