Melissa Has A Hard Time Paying Attention

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Melissa Hoon: *cooking pasta*

Owen: Okay, so when the pasta is tender, drain it.

Melissa Hoon: I'm sorry, say that again?

Owen: Must I repeat myself? Drain the pasta, when its tender.

Melissa Hoon: Okay, sorry. *checking her phone, and leaves the stove unattended*

Owen: *sees the water rising out of the pot* Melissa!!!!

Melissa Hoon: Oh no!!! What do I do?!!

Owen: Turn off the stove!!!!!

Melissa Hoon: *quickly turns the stove off*

Owen: You ruined the pasta! Pay attention next time!

Melissa Hoon: I'm sorry!

Owen: *growls*

This story was written on Monday, October 17th, 2022.

A/N Melissa, you need to pay better attention! Turn your phone off, so it won't be a major distraction! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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