There Could Be Showers For Halloween

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Brandon: I heard there might be showers for Halloween night.

Kyle: *shocked* What?!

Ashley: I don't want it to rain on Halloween!!

Steven: Its gonna rain all day on Halloween?

Brandon: Showers likely for the afternoon, into the evening.

Kyle: Bob, do something!

Bob Kimball: I can't change the weather, Kyle! If it rains, then it rains!

Carlton: Stupid weatherman always lying! They said it was supposed to be okay!

Pam: What a load of horseradish!

Shayla: I ain't getting my costume wet!

Francis: This is so stupid!

Bob Kimball: Relax, folks! You can't control the weather!

Iris: Bob's right! Its still several days out, and the weather can still change! Its not etched in stone!

Andrea: Yeah. You guys are flipping out over a little rain on Halloween! Just relax!

Steven: Maybe, Halloween will be canceled! *chuckling*

Shayla: *gets angry and beats up Steven*

Steven: *getting beat up*

Iris: Everything will be okay, guys!

Shayla: *still beating up Steven*

Steven: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Wednesday, October 26th, 2022.

A/N Apparently, it might rain on Halloween night, and none of the new teens are happy about it! But, all they can do is hope for the better! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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