Dead Alligator At Harborpark

11 3 18


Middletown, Connecticut

Dead Alligator: *lying on the grass*

Carlton: Oh snap!

Brandon: Apparently, this has been the norm!

Iris: Yup! Election Day is next month, and this issue has to be brought up to the mayor!

Ashley: Seriously! I was at the supermarket last night with my mom, and we saw a dead alligator in the frozen food aisle!

Brian: Ya see?

Steven: *freezing*

Owen: Why didn't you wear a coat?

Steven: I don't know. *still freezing*

Girl: *grabs the dead alligator, and tosses him into her mother's blue 1987 Chevy Caprice Classic*

This story was written on Wednesday, October 5th, 2022.

A/N Another dead alligator encounter, this time at Harborpark! 😳 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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