Brandon Talks To Emma On Facetime!

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Brandon: *on Facetime talking to Emma* Emma!!!!!! Buddy!!!

Emma: *on Facetime talking to Brandon* Dude!!! Its you!!! I miss you so much!!! How ya been, buddy?!

Brandon: I been alright! That day at the airport was emotional! I bawled my eyes out!

Emma: Ya did? I'm sorry.

Brandon: Don't be! Its great to see your face again, even though we're behind a computer screen!

Emma: Likewise! Did you make any new friends in school?

Brandon: Yep!

Emma: What are their names?

Brandon: Carlton, Francis, Ashley, Pam, and Shayla!

Emma: Awesome! I would love to meet them one day! *drinks a Coke* Oh, say hi to my roommates!

Emma's Roommates: Hi!!!! *waving at Brandon*

Brandon: Hi, girls! *waves back*

Emma: I won't be coming home for Thanksgiving, unfortunately.

Brandon: *sadly* What about Christmas?

Emma: Nope. It probably won't be till March of next year, for Spring Break.

Brandon: I see. *sighs sadly*

Emma: Don't be sad, Brandon. I know you miss me so much, but you will see me again, okay? How's life as a high school senior?

Brandon: *perks up* Its fantastic!!! I can't wait to graduate next June! I'm about ready to blow this joint!

Emma: *giggles* Atta boy! Keep doing well in school, okay? How's Ken doing?

Brandon: He's doing great! Steven, on the other hand, is being a jerk as usual.

Emma: Figures. He hasn't been messing with my boots has he?

Brandon: Nope.

Emma: Good. Well, I have to go now. My roommates and I are about to eat some pizza.

Brandon: Wow! Did you have it delivered to your dorm?

Emma: Yup! Be safe, dude! We'll talk again real soon! Love you!

Brandon: Love you too, Emma!

Emma: Tell everyone I said hi!

Brandon: Will do!

Emma: Bye, Brandon! *waves*

Brandon: *waves back* Bye, Emma! *logs off Facetime* She's doing fantastic! Great to see her face again!

This story was written on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022.

A/N Brandon finally chatted with Emma via Facetime!!!! Ever since her departure from Connecticut, and several weeks of missing her, he finally touched base with her! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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